平安夜 2023年12月24日
文章來源: 戊己庚辛2023-12-25 10:30:20

聖誕夜, 街道靜。  平安日, 無車行。

月亮圓,屋外燈,   親朋聚,室內烹。

群星燦,笑聲盈。   白雪地,靜無聲。

明月走,夜朦朧。   薄雲飄,星無蹤。


它日樂,已盡窮。   不相來,兔死烹。

難言歡,無酒盅。   祝君安,多保重。

遷新居,福鼎盛。   高舉杯,為陳棟。

友誼長,萬路通。   溫哥華,再相逢。


Note: A silent night, holy night, and saint night that millions are shone by the bright Moon and twinkling stars. White snow on the ground and the Full Moon in the sky created a beautiful fairytale on Christmas Eve. My friend recently moved his family from snowy Alberta to coastal Vancouver; Covid isolated more friends and made them go silo. Traditional festivity is now less a festival.