文章來源: BJGirl2006-12-10 19:31:17

      有了小孩之後很少看電視, 但Colbert report and Daily show我還是盡量看的.  特別是上星期當我的"偶像"Steven Levitt是Colbert的嘉賓的時候, 我更是早早把一切安排妥當, 專等Levitt出場. 說實話, Levitt有點僵. 這一點在他第二天的博客裏也自嘲地承認了.

      有趣的是, Levitt在他的博客有以下一句話: "Not much interesting to report really, except that before the show, Colbert introduced himself and made sure that I understood that in real life he is not a moron, he just plays one on TV."沒想到Colbert會如此不自信,令我著實地失望了10秒鍾. 套用"編輯部的故事"裏的一句話:"何碧同誌, 您何必呢."

      但是這不會影響我看Colbert Report的誠心誠意.