文章來源: 一藍2013-04-19 19:18:52

A Bird in a Gilded Cage (在一個鍍金的籠子鳥)

這是一個傷感民謠,成為1900年最流行的歌曲之一詞作者:Arthur J Lamb,曲作者:Harry Von Tilzer,據稱大賣200萬張樂譜拷貝。最早的演唱者是Jere Mahoney和Steve Porter。據Tilzer回憶,在1899年的某一天,Lamb帶著這首歌的歌詞找到他。雖然他很喜歡,但他要求Lamb做一些改動,使得歌詞更明白的表示是一個已婚婦人,而不是一個情婦。當天晚上,他在一個公共場合和朋友聚會的時候,用那裏的鋼琴譜出了歌曲的旋律。他注意到在附近的一些女孩在聽了之後無不動容而泣,讓他堅信這首歌會成功。後來,Tilzer聲稱,這首歌為他敞開了財富和名利大門的關鍵它的成功標誌著美國流行音樂民謠的主導地位直到1914


The ballroom was filled with fashion's throng,
It shone with a thousand lights,
And there was a woman who passed along,
The fairest of all the sights,
A girl to her lover then softly sighed,
There's riches at her command;
But she married for wealth, not for love, he cried,
Though she lives in a mansion grand.
She's only a bird in a gilded cage,
A beautiful sight to see,
You may think she's happy and free from care,
She's not, though she seems to be,
'Tis sad when you think of her wasted life,
For youth cannot mate with age,
And her beauty was sold,
For an old man's gold,
She's a bird in a gilded cage.
I stood in a churchyard just at eve',
When sunset adorned the west,
And looked at the people who'd come to grieve,
For loved ones now laid at rest,
A tall marble monument marked the grave,
Of one who'd been fashion's queen,
And I thought she is happier here at rest,
Than to have people say when seen.

