文章來源: 錦衣衛2020-04-21 08:30:24

科技公司很多人都是申請這些簽證的外籍職業移民。這下都麻煩了,剛畢業的申請不到工作簽證和綠卡,要麽黑下來,要麽投奔各自祖國的懷抱。 矽穀和所有科技公司的中國留學生和印度人這下要上街遊行抗議了。 






Under such an executive order, the Trump administration would no longer approve any applications from foreigners to live and work in the United States for an undetermined period of time, effectively shutting down the legal immigration system in the same way the president has long advocated closing the borders to illegal immigration.

Workers who have for years received visas to perform specialized jobs in the United States would also be denied permission to arrive, though some workers in some industries deemed critical could be exempted from the ban, the people familiar with the president’s discussion said.