1/20 星期三
文章來源: jgey2010-01-19 18:22:36
終於回到東京, 是該認真的解決問題的時候. 想起各種問題, 我會覺得很頭痛, 但是不能繼續逃避, 而且我也不願意繼續逃避. 澳洲之行對我很有幫助, 之前的各種鬱悶情緒都一掃而空, 雖然很多問題仍然存在, 但我有信心去解決, 樂觀精神又重新回歸, 現在隻需要一點點good timing.

澳洲之行超過一個月, 在Sydney渡過非常愉快的一周, 其餘的時間都在Melbourne and Victoria. Australia is a very lovely country, I enjoyed my time there very much. 在Bondi Beach爆曬了一天, 我現在黑得很, 不過看起來很健康. Met an aussie guy, Dave, 我們在一起很愉快, 坐在BUS最後排, 好象高中生一樣, 講各種笑話, 調侃周圍的人. 整整一周, 我們一直在一起, 從來沒有任何爭執, 我很久沒有那麽痛快的笑, 好象回到高中時代一樣. 一起四處逛, 一起clubbing, 一起去海灘, play football, 在darling habour的浪漫的晚餐... (唉, 我的中文寫得真是太痛苦了, 前言不搭後語, 好象小學生作文)

Anyway, its awesome. We feel really relaxing and comfortable to be with each other, even though there are many differences in our backgrounds. Dave said he loves everything about me, well, I cant say I love him yet, but I never felt so natural to be with any other guy, so it must mean something. When I was with Dave, I could be who I am, a bit mean, a bit bitchy, a bit crazy, joking around, talking shits, and never worried that he would judge me for whatever. It might work, we will see. For now, the first priority is to change job, I need a new job which pays better, and that I might be interested in. I need to make my life a bit more organized, its time to clean all the shits. I will do it, no matter what it might cost.