5/30 星期三
文章來源: jgey2007-05-30 05:24:35
明天早晨的飛機,我房間現在好像龍卷風過後一樣,滿地東西,還沒有packing。昨晚沒睡覺,本來打算收拾一下,結果Dave也失眠,我們2個半夜3點在網上聊天,topic是politics!LOL!真的,我們在討論politician和lawyer哪個更無恥一些,最後得出的結論,lawyer是politician的初級階段,一個lawyer無恥到一定程度,就可以考慮政治仕途了,例如Clinton?不過我對Clinton印象還算不錯,雖然他是professional liar,but at least he is smart, not like Bush who is just a joke, kinda entertaining the whole world with his low IQ.

周一向老爸匯報我要回去,抱怨機票貴,他希望我在家待久一些,我覺得10天已經夠久的,估計會悶個半死。朋友問我回家有什麽plan,我說,"stay with parents, boring to die",這是事實。老爸問我,是不是不想家,我很老實的說,不太想。這聽起來不太好,不過是實話,it has nothing to do with my parents. 軼一直想回國,但從來不想回家,因為她和她父母關係很緊張,她親娘在軼很小的時候就去世了,軼一直不喜歡她後媽,所以我大概可以理解為什麽軼會對親近的人有很強的依賴感。我和我爸媽關係很好,他們很愛我,我也愛他們,但是,my life is here, everything I have is here, career, personal life, future plan, hope... whatever all here, and I am so over occupied by all those stuff, really dont have much time to miss home, well, sounds a bit cold-blooded, but I think they can understand that. I suppose, dad has realized that I am not his little girl any more for a long while.

我去看了新辦公室,有點兒搞笑。一家office service公司租下了整個27層,然後把它分割成若幹小辦公室,再轉租給各公司。這樣沒什麽不好,各種服務都由這家公司提供,很是方便,隻是,這層辦公室的裝修風格實在是太搞笑了,不知道是哪個弱智想出來的。decoration theme is EGYPT, lol, EGYPT! Can you believe that? Well, I like egyptian stuff, actually I always wanna go to egypt, that country and culture are fascinating me. But this is an office, supposed to be bright and professional, now everywhere full of egyptian statuettes or paintings of ancient egypt kings or whatever little stuff which have ever been showed in The Mummy. I felt like in a museum, later I told Dave about the office, we were laughing so much, now this new start-up company is really fun, I am getting more and more excited for it.

Monday evening, I had dinner with Kevin and Yasuko, Yasuko arranged this. I think she is interested in Kevin, and kinda trying to get closer with him, but then why she always brings me in together? Yasuko坐在另一邊,我和Kevin在同一邊,她不停對Kevin放電,波及無辜,電得我都直哆嗦,隻好低頭猛吃,我最近的食欲是越來越好了。其實旁人看來很明顯,Kevin對Yasuko沒有特別的興趣,隻是普通的hang out而已,而Yasuko拚命表白自己對感情一直都是非常的“serious”,我還真沒看出來。Kevin問我的感想,我說,I dont like pressure, too serious, it will stress me out, 他用看怪物一樣的眼神看我。我覺得Kevin is a very decent guy, would be a good boyfriend, but not for me, he is "too simple, too naive", I would like to keep him as a good friend, it would be cool to hang out with him, but no more. I miss Mario, for no reasons, or maybe there are some reasons, the email server on his ship down again, now I start to miss those "annoying" emails from him. 

The IT manager in the big company which has given me an offer called me last night, he was trying to convince me to take their offer again. The manager is a really good guy, he has been very nice to me during the whole process, and trying to push everywhere to make sure I would get the offer paper as soon as possible. So somehow its very tough for me to say NO to him, I am sure he would be a very good boss too, and working in the company would be fun, but I have made my decision, and I cant step back now. He said, if this time I decide not to take their offer, they hope me to keep in touch, and maybe 2 years later, if I wanna change job again, they would like to offer some new opportunities. I was so touched, and wondered, --am I that good??? Anyway, I think I need to write an email to the manager in a very nice and polite way, to tell him that I cant accept the offer this time. Just for a moment, I doubt about my decision a little, oh... cant change mind now, hope I have picked up the right one.