3/2 星期五
文章來源: jgey2007-03-02 03:11:55
心煩, 打算晚上和朋友去喝一杯, 還沒到時間, 隨便寫幾句.

終於下定決心換工作, 聯係了幾個recruiting公司, 要我寫RESUME, 然後去和他們談. 我很討厭寫RESUME, 每次提筆總不知道寫什麽好, 吹得太狠, 怕自己應付不了, 不吹, 不吹怎麽能有機會?! 所以憋了一下午, 還是沒有動筆, 準備周末再慢慢醞釀.

中介的網站上有關於回答問題的例子和說明, 其中一條就是不要說現在公司的壞話, 我覺得這是心照不宣的事情, 如果現在的公司萬事如意, 為什麽要換工作???

Why I wanna quit my current job? Well, first, my boss is a fucking moron, I doubt his IQ could be over 60. Its so tough to work with someone who is retarded, especially in the case this someone is kinda having an affair with one guy in the team. I thought my boss was a mother fucker, but later I realized that I was wrong, he is an ass fucker! Well, I am not against gays, totally support different sexual preferences, but dont bring your fucking sexual preference to the office, you asshole!!! Second, about this company, which has been unbelievably cheap, trying all the time to make employees work like horses, but refuses to pay for the extra work hours, guess what? FUCK IT!!!

以上是我的非常真實的轉職理由. 當然, 這些是絕對不會出現在我的RESUME上的, 我得很客氣的說什麽, I am looking for something more challegeable...blah blah... Its kinda like going on dates, usually the date would ask what kinda guy you looking for, the girl would say something like, "I want a nice guy, who is gentle, caring...looks or money doesnt matter much..." That is bullshit, everybody knows that, looks might not matter much, but money definitely does. Life is full of this kinda necessary lies, we all used to it. Oh and, if girls say "size doesnt matter", that is another lie, size does matter a lot!

I need to see Mario badly now, but have no idea where he and his dumb ship are...LOL.