【好歌回顧之二】: Lori Lieberman -《Killing Me Softly with His Song》
文章來源: Rainier2015-01-31 16:44:19

《Killing Me Softly with His Song》

1971年,美國民謠女歌手Lori Lieberman在一次偶然的機緣下,
聽了另一位民謠歌手Don Mclean在台上以吉他自彈自唱的動人歌聲而為之傾倒,
她隨後寫下詩歌“Killing me softly with his blues” 描述他第一次聽Don Mclean唱歌的情景。
對Don Mclean的介紹詳見

這首詩後來被Charles Fox 和Norman Gimbel創作成了歌曲“Killing me softly with his song”,
並由Lori Lieberman親自演唱。


I heard he sang a good song 我聽說他歌唱得很好
I heard he had a style 極具個人風格
And so I came to see him to listen for a while 於是我特地前來 欣賞他的演唱
And there he was this young boy 他出現了,這位年輕男孩
A stranger to my eyes 我眼中的陌生人
Strumming my pain with his fingers 他用手指輕撫我的傷痛
Singing my life with his words 歌詞唱出了我的人生
Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人
Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人
Telling my whole life with his words 歌詞道盡了我的一生
Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人

I felt all flushed with fever 我感到臉紅,全身發燙
Embarrassed by the crowd 在群眾麵前覺得不好意思
I felt he found my letters and read each word out loud 他看到了我寫的紙條 大聲的讀著每一個字
I prayed that he would finish 我祈禱著他能趕快念完
But he just kept right on 但他卻一直念著
Strumming my pain with his fingers 他用手指輕撫我的傷痛
Singing my life with his words 歌詞唱出了我的人生
Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人
Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人
Telling my whole life with his words 歌詞道盡了我的一生
Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人

He sang as if he knew me 他唱著,彷佛早就認識我
In all my dark despair 在我最陰暗沮喪的時候
And then he looked right through me 然後,他的眼光穿透過我
As if I wasn't there 好像我不存在似的
But he was there the stranger 他繼續唱著
Singing clear and strong 清晰而有力的唱著

Strumming my pain with his fingers 他用手指輕撫我的傷痛
Singing my life with his words 歌詞唱出了我的人生
Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人
Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人
Telling my whole life with his words 歌詞道盡了我的一生
Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人


但真正讓這首歌走紅的卻是美國老牌黑人女歌手Roberta Flack。
1973年,Flack憑借“Killing me softly with his song”獲得了格萊美三項大獎。
Roberta Flack的曲風為帶有流行色彩的“輕柔爵士”,嗓音厚實,略帶沙啞,高亢嘹亮,
現在,Roberta Flack雖然隱退歌壇,但像Madonna、Whitney Houston這樣的後生巨星,
