技術官僚 PK書生本色隻認理不認人
文章來源: TJKCB2020-09-16 13:32:09

Today's News Head line "CDC director says masks might be better than vaccines" hurted my eyes so much that brought back backlash reflection: 

It's so painful to know that University of Wisconsin Mathematics Professor 胡天佑, died of COVID-19, in May, 2020. He didn't wear mask as he followed Dr. Anthony Fauci's advice, "No use to wear mask", while he picked up and dropped off a repairman who was positive of  COVID-19. 胡天佑 was interlectual, strictly following the expert's advice. Dr. Fauci - 殺人不償命,還在台上!

When asked, why did he say that? Dr. Anthony Fauci said, "Because the country did not have mask for all." 

書生本色,隻認理不認人: What was his professionalism? He is 技術官僚,順著主子說

saying no mask back in March?

 (2020-07-30 13:59:34)下一個


how could you expect he can solve the problem while he was the problem to cause widely spread of covid-19 upon his saying no mask back in March? He put his feet into his mouth, misleading all of the public, not adhere his professionism as MD - He knew how critical to wear masks against infectious diseases, but he chose to yield to keep his hat of officials
