Invincible --
文章來源: TJKCB2018-02-09 14:03:54
Invincible --
  1. too powerful to be defeated or overcome.
    "an invincible warrior"
    synonyms: invulnerable, indestructible, unconquerable, unbeatable, indomitable, unassailable; More
  • But Willoughby said she never saw Porter take his anger out on other people - 'not even road rage' – but that is was all behind closed doors


Porter has been described as one of the most important players in the Oval Office

Hope Hicks, 29, was spotted stepping out of her D.C. apartment with White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter ten days ago

Hope Hicks, 29, was spotted stepping out of her D.C. apartment with White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter ten days ago