太平輪 The Crossing I & II
文章來源: TJKCB2016-10-28 20:01:36
Published on Dec 18, 2014

Movie Trailer for "The Crossing" 太平輪 directed by the legend John Woo http://www.topchinesemovies.com/the-c...

戰爭年代,時局動蕩,人民顛沛流離。 三對不同背景的主人公被卷入硝煙與戰火,與摯愛分離。國軍軍官雷義方(黃曉明飾)生死不明,太太(宋慧喬飾)獨在臺灣飽受相思之苦;軍醫嚴澤坤(金城武飾)與青梅竹馬的日本女孩雅子(長澤雅美飾)因政局變化被分隔,再難相見;底層女性於真(章子怡飾)和通信兵(佟大為飾)萍水相逢,又被亂世沖散;盡管命途顛簸,但他們仍不惜與命運奮力抗爭,書寫了戰亂年代的悲歡離合。最終,命運的齒輪將所有人卷入逃難的太平輪上,他們會如何相遇,各自的命運又將何去何從?


太平輪(上) The Crossing Part 1

  國共一場大戰,國民黨軍全麵潰敗。眾人都想登上太平輪,離開上海去臺灣。這艘船成了最後的希望。沒想到,意外的沈船改變了所有人的命運,船上近千人絕大多數都在海難中遇難。中文名 太平輪(上)
外文名 The Crossing Part 1
其它譯名 太平輪:亂世浮生生,死戀,太平輪1949,太平輪上1949
出品時間 2014年12月2日
製片地區 中國大陸,美國
製片成本 $40,000,000
導 演 吳宇森
編 劇 王蕙玲/蘇照彬/陳靜慧

製片人 張家振/吳宇森
類 型 劇情/愛情/戰爭/災難
主 演 章子怡,金城武(韓國),黃曉明,宋慧喬(韓國),佟大為,長澤雅美(日)
片 長 129分鐘
上映時間 2014-12-02(中國大陸)
票 房 1.95億
對白語言 漢語 普通話/日語/臺語 [Synopsis] the summer of 1945, the National Party Junqiang Jun Leahy (Huang Xiaoming ornaments) defeated the Japanese army in the plain battlefield. National Army Corps TONG Da Qing (Tong Dawei ornaments) captured a Taiwanese Japanese Military Yan Zekun (Takeshi Kaneshiro ornaments). After the Japanese surrender, the three prevails. Leahy party returned to Shanghai, met wealthy daughter Zhou Yun
Finland (SHK ornaments). Two fall in love, and soon married. But then, civil war broke out.
Yan Ze-kun returned to Taiwan after the war, but found that the former lover of Japanese girls Masako (Nagasawa ornaments) have been repatriated to Japan. TONG Da Qing fell in love with a nurse to take care of the wounded during the day, at night in the streets of prostitutes strokes off in true (Zhang Ziyi ornaments), the two took a picture of what they want the original "wedding" really did not expect to become a pair of bitter heterosexual couple.
KMT a major war, the KMT comprehensive defeat. Everyone wants peace boarded wheel, left Shanghai to Taiwan. The ship became the last hope. Unexpectedly, accidental shipwreck changed the fate of all, the vast majority were killed in the one thousand boat shipwreck. Chinese name Taiping wheel (on)
Foreign name The Crossing Part 1
Other names Pacific round: Bliss troubled life, death, love, peace wheel 1949, the Pacific Wheel 1949
Sands of time December 2, 2014
Production area China, United States
Production costs $ 40,000,000
Directed by John Woo
Screenwriter Wang Hui-Ling / Su Chao Pin / Chen Jinghui

Producer Terence Chang / John Woo
Types of Drama / Romance / War / Disaster
Starring Zhang Ziyi, Takeshi Kaneshiro (South Korea), Huang Xiaoming, Song Hye Kyo (Korea), Tong Dawei, Nagasawa (Japan)
Length 129 minutes
release time 2014-12-02 (mainland China)
box office 195 million
Dialogue language Mandarin Chinese / Japanese / Taiwanese

Cast - Zhang Ziyi, Takeshi, Kaneshiro, Huang Xiaoming
Director - John Woo
Release Date - 2 December 2014
Plot - At the end of the civil war in 1949 when the communist army is routing the Kuomintang, three couples of very different backgrouds attempt to flee to Taiwan by ship. Tragically their ship sinks with the loss of over 1,500 passengers and crew.