文章來源: TJKCB2016-10-10 16:21:38

What makes women distrust Hillary?

作者:Judith Shulevitz
評論2016-10-10T09:37:15-04:00 9:37 AM





她需要放棄它。打開媒體教練誰告訴她是可愛的。停止試圖可愛。我們需要她認真。蒂姆·凱恩和麥克·潘斯在辯論中都笑了笑。特朗普什麼都沒有,隻是皺眉,每個人都說他做得比預期好。我不相信安吉拉·默克爾會在那個舞台上微笑,或者Theresa May,或者Nicola Sturgeon。


Judith Shulevitz是“安息日世界:不同時間順序的諷刺”的作者和一個貢獻的意見作者。

Don't Smile
 By  Judith Shulevitz
 Comment 2016-10-10T09:37:15-04:00   9:37 AM ET 

Hillary Clinton is running against a man who threatens to use presidential power to put her in jail. A man who brags about committing sexual assault, openly admits to not paying taxes, and tenaciously supports the kleptocrat Vladimir Putin.

And yet, every time Trump lied, made a threat, or loomed behind her in a menacing way in the debate last night, she smiled. Her eyes widened with incredulity, they crinkled, and she grinned. What people saw, though, wasn’t amusement. It was sarcasm and contempt. That smile had some gotcha in it, and a hint of fear. It felt fake, and I’m sure it made people distrust her.

She should not be smiling. None of us should. We are facing the abyss.

I know all the arguments about the double standard for women, how if you don’t smile, you come off as grim, bitchy, mean. All women have been trapped in that bind, that damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t, for most of our lives. Maybe the smile is automatic, a tic.

She needs to quash it. To fire the media trainers who tell her to be relatable. To stop trying to be likable. We need her to be serious. Neither Tim Kaine nor Mike Pence smiled during their debate. Trump did nothing but scowl, and everyone says he did better than expected. I don’t believe Angela Merkel would smile on that stage, or Theresa May, or Nicola Sturgeon.

A good leader channels her followers’ emotions; she doesn’t try to ingratiate herself with them. It seems clear to me that Clinton will be a good, maybe even a great, leader. But first, she needs to show us that she understands the gravity of the situation. She needs to help us bear our anxiety. Someone has to tell her: Don’t smile.

Judith Shulevitz is the author of “The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time” and a contributing opinion writer.