文章來源: TJKCB2016-08-05 15:05:46

您的位置: 文學城 » 論壇 » 時事述評 » 以愛戰勝恨:她媽媽太猛了,不知道那時候希拉裏幾歲, ~ 5

以愛戰勝恨:她媽媽太猛了,不知道那時候希拉裏幾歲, ~ 5

來源: 2016-08-05 15:03:33 [] [博客] [轉至博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 1 次 (1353 bytes)

"We’re love trumps hate,這是我們為之奮鬥的,以愛戰勝恨:據說,愛和恨在大腦裏走同樣的神經回路,被恨占據了,愛就起不來。但似乎改變這個需要環境條件。"

"Neighbor bully, her mother blocked the door and said: go back. You have to stand up the bullies. You have to keep working to make things better. Lost mother a few years ago, but can still hear her voice every day: keep fighting:如果這是真的,她媽媽太猛了,不知道那時候希拉裏幾歲,那樣逼著自己的孩子去直麵欺淩,聽起來勇敢得讓人難以置信。 " (See her book: Living History. She's ~ 5-YO.

Matthew 7:3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in ... - Bible Hub

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?