遠程解決OBi100 firmware升級問題(也就是最近的OBi+Google Voice連接、收費問題)
文章來源: slow_quick2016-10-30 22:54:41

偶然發現OBi官網上提到如何在OBiTalk上遠程設置OBi100 automatic firmware upgrade。今天在兩個遠程OBi100上都試成了。

這個法子不用下載什麽firmware file。任何設備有瀏覽器(browser)就能搞定。當然firmware URL千萬不能寫錯。



How do I automate upgrades to the most current available firmware?

You may configure your OBi device to periodically check for new firmware updates. 
When an update becomes available, the OBi will automatically download and install the update. 
to OBiTALK and choose your OBi device.
Navigate to and enter the OBi Expert Configuration page for your device. 
Go to the System Management -> Auto Provisioning section of the web page. 
Modify the Auto Firmware Update parameters as follows:

Set Method = Periodically 
Set Interval = a numeric value in seconds. For example, enter 86400 to check on a daily basis. 

For OBi1 Series: (this include OBi100, 110)
Set FirmwareURL = http://www.obihai.com/firmware/OBi-latest.fw

For OBi2 and OBi3 Series: (this include OBi200, 202)
Set FirmwareURL = http://www.obihai.com/firmware/OBi2-latest.fw

For OBi5vs Series:
Set FirmwareURL = http://www.obihai.com/firmware/OBi5-latest.fw

For OBi1000 Series:
Set FirmwareURL = http://www.obihai.com/firmware/OBiPhone-latest.fw

Click "Submit" at the bottom of the page.

下麵是進入Expert Mode後的圖:

注意OBiTALK Settings及Device Default的勾都要去掉。

如是OBi100, FirmwareURL用http://www.obihai.com/firmware/OBi-latest.fw 






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