彈唱-Stairway To Heaven
文章來源: DiSEAse2011-10-06 11:18:45

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There’s a lady who’s sure
  All that glitters is gold
  And she’s buying a stairway to heaven
  When she gets there she know
  If the stores are all closed
  With a word she can get what she came for
  Ooh, ooh and she’s buying a stairway to heaven
  There’s a sign on the wall
  But she wants to be sure
  Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings
  In a tree by the brook
  There’s a songbird who sings
  Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven
  Ooh, it makes me wonder
  Ooh, it makes me wonder
  There’s a feeling I get when I look to the west
  And my spirit is crying for leaving
  In my thought I have seen
  Rings of smoke through the trees
  And the voices of those who stand looking
  Ooh, it makes me wonder
  Ooh, it makes me wonder
  And it’s whispered that soon if we all call the tune
  That the piper will lead us to reason
  And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
  And the forest will echo with laughter
  If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow
  Don’t be alarmed now
  It’s just a spring clean for the May queen
  Yes, there are two paths you can go by
  But in the long run
  There’s still time to change the road you’re on
  And it makes me wonder
  Your head is humming and it won’t go
  In case you don’t know
  The piper’s calling you to join him
  Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow
  And did you know
  Your stairway lies on the whispering wind
  And as we wind on down the road
  Our shadows taller than our soul
  There walks a lady we all know
  Who shines white light and wants to show
  How everything still turns to gold
  And if you listen very hard
  The tune will come to you at last
  When all are one and one is all
  To be a rock and not to roll
  And she’s buying a stairway to heaven
  -------------萬物自始終歸一, 做顆頑石不妄滾!---------------
  以前的國內外文章, 都把歌詞裏麵講的Piper, 解釋成我們童話裏可能很多人讀過的, 有個城市老鼠為患, 引老鼠出城那位”吹笛者”, 認為歌詞寫的就是對世俗的失落感, 希望跟著吹笛者的引導到烏托邦國度去
  然而很多人認為這些搖滾樂團, 都是吸毒淫亂又大多功課學業最後一名, Led Zeppelin也不例外, 怎麽可能有什麽高深思想, 頂多是克藥在幻覺中亂寫, 或像很多編詞者講的, 就是當時生活發生什麽事就寫下來, 事後也不解釋讓大家去隨便詮釋, 就像Hotel California也是一樣, 有各種解釋, 但Eagles從不去正麵回答歌詞在講什麽? 我以前解釋過Smoke on the Water, 隻是Deep Purple當時住旅館發生火災, 歌詞隻是把那幾天的生活經曆寫下來而已
  前幾年有一個高科技研究人員, 做了很多學術研究論文, 但他很喜歡Stairway to heaven這首歌, 有一天他就想到, 用我研究學術的精神, 追根究底去研究出這首歌倒底在講什麽? 為什麽會寫出那樣的句子和段落, 於是他就去搜集各種相關資料, 並透過關係接觸到當年在Led Zeppelin身邊的人, 並且去拜訪當時寫這首歌時, Led Zeppelin住在團長吉他手Jimmy Page鄉下古堡的那邊村人, 下麵就是他研究後的歌詞意義:
  英籍的Led Zeppelin成名後, 當然有錢了就開始生活揮豪淫亂吸毒(大家都讀過嘻皮時代很多樂團這樣), 吉他手Jimmy Page很喜歡中古世紀的東西, 所以跑去英國北部威爾斯鄉下, 找到一間中古世紀古堡將他買下, 並請團員, 工作人員, 瘋狂女歌迷等都去那邊住, 並且訂做了很多維多利亞時期的服裝, 每天就在裏麵Home Party做樂幻想是在過中古時代生活, 在當地變的惡名昭彰! Jimmy Page稱那古堡頂端就是Heaven, 在上麵可以嘹望整個當地鄉間風光
  歌詞中的Lady, 其實是當時當地的一位剛離婚的婦人Erma, 為了生活她開始了包工程生意, Jimmy Page想在古堡外麵建一個木造樓梯直通頂上, 就不用讓人在古堡繞來繞去迷路, 這古堡的前主人是一個英國電視名星, 認識這Erma女士, 就把她介紹給Jimmy Page
  但這女人跟她的工人, 在搬運木頭材料很粗魯, 在古堡內撞壞了很多有價值的古物, Jimmy氣的要死, 寫這首歌的主唱Robert Plant, 認為她是看到這些古物外表舊舊爛爛的, 她根本不識貨, 可能認為隻有外表閃亮發光東西才有價值, 所以歌詞開始寫:
  There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold
  And she’s buying a stairway to heaven
  但要開始建造木梯時, Erma跟Jimmy說當地唯一的一家五金行老板跑去郊遊不開店, 害她都買不到釘子無法開工, Jimmy買這古堡在當地變名人, 跟當地議員就認識了, 他就請議員對那五金行老板威脅, 叫他馬上開店讓Erma買東西, 所以Robert 歌詞紀錄:
  And when she gets there she knows
  if the stores are closed.
  With a word she can get what she came for. (word意味議員去講的威脅話)
  在古堡樓上有個Jimmy的吉他房, 他不喜歡閑雜人進入, 所以在門口貼一個Sign寫: Keep the **** Off”, 但Erma的工人為了要從這房間的窗戶伸手向外做事, 當然就進去了, Jimmy當時在前院樹上乘涼唱歌(Robert戲稱他是songbird), 看到很氣大吼大叫, 一定是氣她沒看到那個Sign嗎? 是否文字有時有兩種意義看成可以進去嗎? 還是我寫的造成誤導? 所以下段歌詞就是在講這事:
  There’s a sign on the wall
  but she wants to be sure.
  Cause you know sometimes
  words have two meanings
  In a tree by the brook, there’s a songbird who sings
  Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
  在古堡的西邊有一做燒煤發電廠, 煙囪發出濃煙圈有礙健康, Robert的肺不好覺得吸的空氣很難過, 所以想離開回倫敦, 所以歌詞寫:
  There’s a feeling I get when
  I look to the west.
  And my spirit is crying for leaving.
  In my thoughts I have seen
  rings of smoke through the trees
  Bass手Johh Paul Jones, 是一個音樂多才多藝的人, 除了跟Led Zeppelin外他也寫了很多通俗流行歌, 網友們爸爸媽媽那代有首名曲”吾愛吾師(To sir with love, 也是同名電影主題曲)就他寫的, 他會各種樂器也會吹笛, 所以Robert都叫他Piper
  John Paul Jones其實也覺得古堡生活很無聊, 就把跟他們過來的女歌迷們叫過來, 叫她們組個三部合唱團, 他來教她們唱合唱, 並請當地村民來聽, 結果這些女孩都五音不全, 唱到村民們看的哄堂大笑, 所以Robert 寫:
  And the voices of those who stand looking (指女孩們站著看John指揮來唱歌)
  And it’s whispered that soon
  if we all call the tune. (在說女還都唱不準無法in tune)
  Then the piper will lead us to reason (說Piper, 也就是John, 會引導她們唱到能聽)
  And a new day will dawn for those who stand long (那些女孩沒耐心, John希望大家有毅力練久些, 能看到美好的明天
  And the forest will echo with laughter(村民大嘲笑)
  May-Queen是歐美知名電器品牌Maytag, 在當年生產的一種大型洗衣機, 通常隻有洗衣店, 旅館會買, Jimmy由於如前述訂做了很多中古世紀服裝叫大家穿, 所以要買這種洗衣機, 但當地村民常看到衣服連籬圍上都有亂丟, 想必裏麵Party的很淫亂, Jimmy的管家對外解釋是他用那台May-Queen洗太多衣服沒地方掛, 所以才亂掛, 請大家不要驚慌亂猜測, 歌詞就寫到:
  If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow
  don’t be alarmed now
  It’s just a spring clean for the May-Queen.
  買這台大洗衣機時, Jimmy很龜毛, 說花這麽多錢萬一不好用怎麽辦? 廠家說如果不滿意, 在一個時間內可以全額退錢, 所以歌詞是說Jimmy有兩條路可走, 繼續用或退錢, 而且期限還沒到, 還有時間讓Jimmy換走另一條路, 歌詞就寫:
  Yes there are two paths you can go by.
  But in the long run.
  There’s still time to change the road you’re on
  最後Robert Plant和John Paul Jones都住到生活亂七八糟覺得沒意思, 頭嗡嗡作響, John (也就是piper)向Robert提議跟他一起回倫敦, 所以歌詞寫:
  Your head is humming and it won’t go- in case you don’t know
  The piper’s calling you to join him
  他們走之前, 當地來了一陣龍卷風, 結果把那Erma建的木梯吹倒了, 所以歌詞寫到:
  Dear lady can you hear the wind blow.
  And did you know
  your stairway lies on the whispering wind
  這Erma由於工程品質太差, 馬上倒店做不下去, 她就想去倫敦找其它事做, 她就在路邊搖著一支手電筒想要搭便車, 看誰願意讓她當順風車去倫敦, 不巧正好被開車要回倫敦的John和Robert遇到, 就讓她搭上了車, 歌詞就是:
  And as we wind on down the road.
  Our shadows taller than our soul.
  There walks a lady we all know.
  Who shines white light
  在車上, 愛麵子的Erma還在繼續吹牛說她賺了很多錢, 其實Robert和John心裏有數, 所以歌詞寫:
  and wants to show.
  How everything still turns gold (炫耀她如何點石成金賺到大錢)
  下麵這句Robert又在車上聊天時大力嘲笑John教那些五音不全的女孩唱歌, 說妳們隻要用力仔細聽好, 最後音準就會有, 然後整個合唱才會一體, 歌詞寫:
  And if you listen very hard
  the tune will come to you at last.
  When all are one and one is all (指合唱才會聽起來整齊一體)
  最後Robert他到家了, 覺得還是自己家最好, 而且去古堡荒唐的很累了, 所以想要像一顆大石頭一樣坐在家中不想動了, 歌詞就是:
  To be a rock and not to roll