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文章來源: claymom2023-09-04 15:24:24





園丁以血淚灌溉出來的花果遲早得送到人間去讓別人享受  (我巴不得他出去經風雨,我好歇息,緩一下)

幸虧你得天獨厚,任憑如何打擊都摧毀不了你 ( 幸虧克雷天賦異稟, 性格好,外柔內剛, 那麽多不順和苦難都沒耽誤他當萬人迷)


好像克利斯朵夫的母親獨自守在家裏  (讓克雷和我再看克裏斯朵夫)




Hindmith[亨德密特]④ 的樂理明日即寄出。


















(琴和詩詞的關係:  都是玩意境, 玩創意, 讓克雷做到人琴合一,不跟鋼琴較勁,  


。把自己的思想寫下來(不管在信中或是用別的方式),比著光在腦中空想是大不同的。寫下來需要正確精密的思想,所以寫在紙上的自我檢討,格外深刻,對自己也印象深刻。你覺得我這段話對不對?  (對,我總是頭腦風暴,卻懶於下筆)

















Amid conflict with musicians’ union, Cliburn 2022 finals will not be broadcast on WRR

Dallas’ classical radio station has been broadcasting the final two concerts of the Cliburn since 2009.

Pianist Clayton Stephenson performed with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra and guest...

Pianist Clayton Stephenson performed with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra and guest conductor Nicholas McGegan in the semifinal round of the 2022 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition on June 11, 2022 at Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth.(Richard Rodriguez / Richard Rodriguez/The Cliburn)

By Tim Diovanni

4:29 PM on Jun 14, 2022 CDT

WRR-FM (101.1), Dallas’ classical radio station, will not broadcast the finals of the 2022 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition from Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth this week, barring some last-minute resolution. The station has broadcast the final two Cliburn concerts and the awards ceremony since 2009.

It’s due to a conflict over pay between the Cliburn and the local chapter of the American Federation of Musicians. The union represents the musicians of the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, which is performing concertos with Cliburn competitors in the semifinal and final rounds.




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Featured on Dallas News

The orchestra musicians play a grueling schedule of wide-ranging repertoire, with limited rehearsal time. The Cliburn and the union negotiated an agreement last week that covered national and local radio broadcasts as well as livestreams.

Jacques Marquis, president and CEO of the Cliburn, said the union rates for the livestreams were higher than anticipated. The Cliburn then asked the union for a new clause specifically for the WRR broadcasts at a lower rate. The union denied the request because it had already agreed on a contract.

“Then money was left on the table because we had a decent proposal, I think,” Marquis said. “But at the end of the day, we have to run this business.”

Stewart Williams, president of the local American Federation of Musicians chapter, said the broadcast rate is about the same as it was at the 2017 Cliburn. But this year’s Cliburn has added a third concerto, in the semifinal round, to the traditional two in the finals.

“They’ve obviously prioritized streaming over radio broadcast,” he said, “and made this change at the last minute. Which has shocked us all.”

WRR has been in the news lately. Last week, the Dallas City Council voted unanimously to transfer management of the city-owned station to public television and radio operator KERA, ending a tumultuous yearlong process that saw the station face a possible sale.

WRR will remain a classical music station, but switch from a commercial to noncommercial format. KERA expects to assume management of WRR by December.

Related:Cliburn 2022 competition finals: Day 4 is a wrap, with the last three concertos


The Cliburn performances will be livestreamed for free at cliburn.orgcliburn.medici.tv and youtube.com/thecliburn. 4K HDR video and surround-sound audio are available via subscription at hyfi.live/vancliburn.

For performance tickets and information on livestreams, call 817-738-6536 or go to cliburn.org.

Related:Cliburn 2022 announces six finalists after Saturday recitals

In This Story


A large room full of peopleDescription automatically generated with low confidence


Tim Diovanni

Tim Diovanni, Staff Writer. Tim Diovanni is reporting on classical music in a fellowship supported in part by the Rubin Institute for Music Criticism, the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation. The News makes all editorial decisions.

tim.diovanni@dallasnews.com @howeyehearit














How do Cliburn finalists pick which piano to play in Fort Worth’s Bass Hall?

The six finalists are playing concertos with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra this week.

Clayton Stephenson from the United States plays the Gershwin Piano Concerto in F Major on a...

Clayton Stephenson from the United States plays the Gershwin Piano Concerto in F Major on a Steinway Hamburg piano with guest conductor Marin Alsop and the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra on June 14, 2022 for the finals of the Sixteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth, Texas.(Ralph Lauer / Ralph Lauer/The Cliburn)

By Tim Diovanni

9:00 AM on Jun 17, 2022 CDT

Unlike most musicians, pianists can’t easily bring their instruments with them when they travel. They must play whatever piano is available, and adjust accordingly.

In the final round of this year’s Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, at Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth, competitors are selecting from two Steinways: a Hamburg and a New York. Most favor the German-made instrument, but some are in the New York camp.




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For Clayton Stephenson, the sole American in the finals, repertoire plays an important role in his decisions. He chose the Hamburg for both Gershwin’s Piano Concerto in F Major and Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21, he said, because it’s brighter and better suited for those works. If he had more time to prepare, he would have picked the New York for Rachmaninoff’s Third Piano Concerto, but is going with the Hamburg because he has more experience with that instrument.

Dmytro Choni, a Ukrainian pianist, chose the New York for all his performances in the semifinal and final rounds because he believes it projects better in the 2,000-seat Bass Performance Hall.

“I didn’t expect to choose the American one because I’m much more used to the European one,” he said. “But on this particular piano, I felt much more comfortable.”

Pianist Dmytro Choni performs Prokofiev's Third Piano Concerto on a Steinway New York piano...Pianist Dmytro Choni performs Prokofiev's Third Piano Concerto on a Steinway New York piano with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra and guest conductor Marin Alsop in the final round of the 2022 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, on June 15, 2022 at Bass Performance Hall. (Ralph Lauer/The Cliburn)(Ralph Lauer / Ralph Lauer/The Cliburn)

For the preliminary and quarterfinal rounds at Texas Christian University’s new Van Cliburn Concert Hall, though, Choni picked a Hamburg piano because he thought it was more suitable for a hall with just a third of the seating capacity of Bass.

Russian pianist Ilya Shmukler, on the other hand, picked the Hamburg for all of his Bass Hall performances because he thought that one projected better than the New York.

“The New York is so colorful and can produce a very beautiful sound,” he said. “But when we’re talking about a hall with 2,000 seats, we need something real big. That’s why I chose the Hamburg for all my semifinal and final rounds. I think I made the right choice.”

Picking the right piano, then, isn’t an exact science, and comes down to personal preference.