田鼠妹Ghana追夢70天 ---16
文章來源: 粉紅甜鼠2012-07-17 13:39:14

第10周是最後的服務周. 我教學生們make cards for their parents and siblings, 放學拿回家跟家人分享. 午休時再教大家玩facepainting,我和學生們相互用彩色筆在臉上畫畫. 結束後,偷偷拿iphone照,發現我的臉已經被學生們畫的都找不到啦!

學生們說要送我surprise,我就閉眼knelt down and smiled. 睜開眼就看到5-6支手伸在麵前,學生的手心用紅筆寫著I love you, xxx! (my first name)旁邊還畫了好幾個紅心,每個學生都跑過來快樂的抱著我脖子kiss我的臉. 突然我發現小黑手堆裏混進1雙大白手,手心裏寫著1樣的字, 我抬頭看到1張畫滿各種色彩的臉, 微笑的綠眼睛讓我突然就緊張到不知所措.

周5最後1課結束了. 我告訴學生們從下周1起會由新的老師繼續教課,再感謝他們給我最美麗的人生經曆, 把我的聯絡方法寫在黑板讓大家有課程問題隨時聯絡我. 剛寫完,突然就想起village怎麽會有internet & phone? Sigh! 再送給學生每人1個small farewell souvenir, 再教他們玩pass the parcel game, 大家都玩的很高興.

I was so touched and surprised that every student made a card for me and drew a picture of me on the cover or wrote me a letter, some of the notes are really cute and funny, I never knew I could be such colorful and looked just like a giant catwoman, hahaha, it's super adorable though and definitely the best gift I’ve ever received!!!

最後4個教課工帶著所有的學生到學校空地上--farewell party! 看著學生們快樂的唱著笑著跳舞, I could barely choke back the tears of joy and gratitude, although I dunno who will take over my job but I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for those little angels!

When it's time to leave, we had practically the entire school following and hanging onto us. My students seriously were not letting go, it was super sweet to know that they really liked having me around and didn't want to see me go, I felt very special and just like a celebrity surrounding with all of my fans...

My students asked"may I see u again?" I said a white lie"yes!""when will u come back?"I said "I dunno but I'll be back for sure!""promise?" "I promise!" 最後我跟我的學生們用部落的許願方式,前額碰前額的約定,但我卻不知道什麽時候才能園這個美麗的約定???

下午去參加group farewell party at the local service center. 部落裏有很多人過來,有學生們,有學生爸媽,有法師,還有tribal chief, 大家都非常高興的打鼓唱歌跳舞的送別我們. The chief親手為每個volunteer披上部落的彩織布和beaded bracelet,還親吻每個人前額表示祝福,最後他還送給我們group部落最高榮譽的金黑色的木手杖,表達該部落對我們的最高敬意.

隊長高舉手杖激動說"congrats XXX group, mission accomplished!"所有的隊友都很興奮的歡呼著相互微笑擁抱,部落人在旁邊微笑的望著我們. 最後每個volunteer收到Ghana gov.發的certificate of appreciation. 當我接過那個生命中most valuable trophy 的時候,竟然激動到無法說話,雙手1直在發抖,最後實在忍不住的哭了. 因為那不是張普通的紙,而是我的心打勝我軟弱身體的證明!

There r so many differences exist in our world, nations, cultures,languages and beliefs etc., we even look, speak and dress differently but "My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together!" one of my favorite Desmond Tutu quotes that really touched and inspired me. Pls believe that we'll be there for u whenever and wherever u need us, cuz we're siblings and living on the same planet, and I thank God for giving me this beautiful chance to love u…

God has been continually bringing me out of my comfort zone since I got there, and he's transforming me more and more every single day. It's really an amazing moment when God stirs my heart violently and put a huge responsibility into my fragile and tremulous hands, I definitely learned a lot about putting into action the love that God has poured in my heart, and got so much more than I thought I would actually receive from giving.

I thought God's mean cuz he took pleasure in my pain during the past 70 days, and I never understood why God bless me in such a special and beautiful way until the awesome trophy moment, cuz he just made me stronger and fabulous, physically and emotionally!!!


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