英文:mojoe 編譯:天方葉
當你決定炒股時,你就可能是個獵手或獵物。這裏不缺愚蠢的獵物,同時會有明智凶狠的獵手,他們整天在引誘,監視著獵物的每一步動作。 要做個獵手,不要做獵物, 要警覺不落入獵人的陷阱,否側獵人可在瞬間把你吃掉。這個遊戲也不是為懶貓準備的,隻有智慧,勇氣,持之以恒忍耐及凶狠的獵手才能堅持到最後。 要做個勝者,你必須有戰略,你必須耐心等待可能出現在你鼻子底下的最佳切入點,當機會來時,必須毫不猶豫地采取行動得到獵物。 作為一個獵人,最重要的裝備是你的眼睛,要警覺地觀察你麵前所發生的一切,不要相信別人在講什麽。那些噪音很可能容易地使你誤入歧途。 在你行動以前必須思考並有周密計劃,一旦進入戰鬥,你的思緒將一文不值,唯一關鍵的是看到每時每刻在你麵前發生了什麽。 活在當今,玩在當今。如果帶著昨天的思想負擔,或者你沉溺於幻想中猜測明天會發生什麽事情,你最好收攤兒。
http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/finance/2666436.html The Market Is A Hunting Ground BY mojoe The moment when you decide to play the market, you hunt and you are being hunted at the same time.
There is no lack of stupid animals in the field. At the same time, there are intelligent and powerful predators, constantly lurking, monitoring every move of the animals.
Be a hunter. Don't be an animal. Be vigilant to not fall prey to the predators. They can eat you up alive in no time.
This game is not for pussycats. Only the intelligent, courageous, persevere, enduring, and strong hunters can survive the game.
To survive, you must have a plan. You must be patient and wait for your perfect setup unfolding in front of eyes. When the opportunities present themselves, you must not hesitate to act and take your share.
As a hunter, the most important instrument you have is your eyes. Be alert and see what is happening in front of you. Don't trust what you hear. The noise you hear can easily distract you from what is actually happening.
You must do the thinking and planning before you are in the hunting ground. Once you are there, what you think doesn't worth a dime. Only thing matters is what you see happening in front of you in the present moment.
Live in the present moment. Play in the present moment. If you carry the burden of your yesterday's thoughts, or you live in the illusion of what might happen tomorrow, you are much better off not to play the game.