是TA不行了還是 【老洛說】看走眼了?COIN股票短 來源: KYCHO
文章來源: GuestNewBoy2024-04-10 07:29:36

【老洛說】的TA怎麽了?看看他4/8,4/9的買入的股票。都是臭棋。是TA不行了還是 【老洛說】看走眼了?COIN股票短

來源: KYCHO 於 2024-04-10 06:57:57 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 379 次 (970 bytes)
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【老洛說】看走眼了?COIN股票短期TA幾天前就很熊了。COIN 這兩周反複出現


Movoing Average斜率一直是負的,錢在流出。為什麽要做2X LONG?

既然"老格說"大喊股市要暴跌,還買入COIN 2X幹嘛?本來COIN和股市都是RISK

MONEY,股市暴跌時COIN必跌。所以TRADING LOGIC本身就有邏輯問題了。沒有





• COIN和數字貨幣都是RISK MONEY,股市暴跌時必然RISK OFF它們也會跌。交易邏輯

自相矛盾,所以我說是臭棋 KYCHO - ♂ 給 KYCHO 發送悄悄話 KYCHO 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 04/10/2024  07:22:33




Asset prices commonly follow the risk sentiment of the market.

Investors look for changing sentiment through corporate earnings, 

macroeconomic data, and global central bank action. An increase in

the stock market or where stocks outperform bonds is said to be a

risk-on environment.


Risk-on environments can be carried by expanding corporate earnings,

optimistic economic outlook, accommodative central bank policies, and

 speculation. As the market displays strong influential fundamentals,

investors perceive less risk about the market and its outlook.

Risk-Off When stocks are selling off, and investors run for shelter to bonds or gold, the environment is said to be risk-off. Risk-off environments can be caused by widespread corporate earnings downgrades, contracting or slowing economic data, and uncertain central bank policy.
Just like the stock market rises in a risk-on environment, a drop in the stock market equals a risk-off environment. Investors jump from risky assets and pile into high-grade bonds, U.S. Treasury bonds, gold, cash, and other safe havens.