搞了個acceptance speech,娛樂大家
文章來源: 非文學青年2011-04-21 12:14:35

Thank you. First, I would like to thank this forum and the forum masters. I want to thank 小千, without you, the class wouldn’t exist. Thank you for putting so much time and energy into this and at the same time, for enjoying it. Thank you for always having such an upbeat spirit. Thank you for the bricks that you threw at me and all those that you didn’t but implied.

I would also like to thank 二姐 for your inspiration and being a role model. You are teaching me everyday to be a better myself by being persistent on your own efforts and by challenging me to the next level.
Thank you, Billnet, Cutestream, 愚公, 金迷, Jingbeiboy and other friends on this forum who have been watching me and cheering at every little progress I make. It means a lot to me. I especially thank your ears for bearing with me, and my recordings, sometimes repeated ones.
I would also like to thank 好學又好問,二姐,愚公, 大西洋海底 for sharing selflessly your English learning audios and videos.
Last but not the least, I thank my own thick face for standing all the bricks and for staying with me after I tried “losing face” so many times. I dedicate this award to my dear face.
Thank you, have a good day!