文章來源: MaMaGaGa2015-02-25 06:40:10
這篇文章原題是“藤校與愛情”一篇我貼在子女教育壇的遊戲之作。 結果上了城頭 :-) 。城頭的反映和子女壇裏的反應很不一樣, 不過都是好意,都心領了。 :-) 

這其實是小兒在情人節的那天,在老人院獻愛心,演奏了一首“愛情故事” 的鋼琴曲。 


在他練習的時候, 我們又趁機重溫了那個發生在哈佛裏的經典的愛情故事。 他很喜歡那個旋律,但是對歌詞還不懂的。 


音樂的作者 Francis Lai, 出生於法國。 我查不出來他是否和亞裔沾邊。 但是很美的愛情,很美的音樂。 

Where do I begin
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love she brings to me
Where do I start

With her first hello
She gave new meaning to this empty world of mine
There'd never be another love, another time
She came into my life and made the living fine
She fills my heart

She fills my heart with very special things
With angels' songs , with wild imaginings
She fills my soul with so much love
That anywhere I go I'm never lonely
With her around, who could be lonely
I reach for her hand-it's always there

How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away
And she'll be there

How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away
And she'll be there