文章來源: MaMaGaGa2013-05-13 08:27:47

母親節,五歲的小兒帶回來半封信。 老師給他們一些提示,然後小朋友們填空,寫出自己對媽媽的印象。  以下是信的原文, 綠色加下劃線是小兒的填空,有一些拚寫和語法錯誤,但是我覺得他已經盡力了。 信裏表達的想法,讓我這個做母親的感到幸福和溫暖。

My Special Mom

My mother is the most wonderful mom in the whole world. She is as pretty as diamond. Her favorite food is Chiense food. In the old days when my mom was little, she used to reading. My favorite thing about my mother is she excercizes. I know my mother loves me because XOXOXO I wouldn’t trade my mom for emerald. I want to “thank” my mom for giving me so much fun.

Happy Mother’s Day

I love you, Mom.