Kevin7歲生日的慶祝活動 (1) (圖)
文章來源: MaMaGaGa2012-03-07 12:10:24
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Kevin 剛過了七歲生日,今天正式開博客。一方麵是為了慶祝,另一方麵也是完成一個長久以來的心願,就是記錄下兩個兒子成長的點點滴滴,和大家交流一下教養孩子的體會。  Kevin 生日是星期天。上周五,3月2日,是美國兒童文學作家Dr. Seuss 的生日,正好是美國的National Reading Day, 我就和老師Mrs. M 商量,問能否到學校舉辦一個活動,借著這個由頭,讓班上的小朋友們都高興一下。我的郵件原文如下。

HI, Mrs. M,

This is to confirm that we will come to your class on Friday, March 2nd around 10:10 a.m.  We will take a snack bag for each student in your class and a birthday cake for everyone to share.  I know that March 2nd is also national reading day.  If you want to incorporate some reading activities into the event, we can take Dr. Seuss's Happy Birthday to You book and read along with the class.  We can also ask the students, "if you could have a day of all days", what would you do?

Anyway, we will respect your teaching acitivities and time frame, please let us know about your  thoughts and opinions.

Mrs. M. 馬上回信,

Well, that just sounds like SO MUCH FUN!  I would love to have you bring the birthday book.  We can read it to the class after they eat and then they can do a write or draw response about what they would like on their special day.  My other activities can be moved to the afternoon...except for the spelling test.  We will have to finish all of the birthday stuff by around 11:10 so we can finish our work before lunch.

Thanks for making this so special for Kevin (and his class)!

星期五那天,我和孩子他爸還有他四歲的弟弟都去了。 用了一個小時的時間,發東西,吃蛋糕,然後我還給班上讀了Dr. Seuss 的書。 整體效果還不錯,小朋友們都挺高興的。我看到的好朋友Jordan 還向他豎起大拇指。 當然很興奮,覺得自己很special 。 我和他爸也很高興,覺得比租場地,搞派對更有意義一些。晚上回家以後,還帶回一張作業紙,見圖片。我作為媽媽對Mrs. M很感激的。