初學油畫: "神馬都是浮雲" - 俺的習作(5)
文章來源: AP242011-05-08 17:37:07


再用梵高的油畫做背景。這次取梵高的著名油畫之一:Wheatfield with Cypresses, 1889, National Gallery, London. 我喜歡這幅畫的雲彩,正體現我要表現的主題。在畫中間,配上母子兩匹馬,表示"神馬"。這兩匹馬取自照片:The Steeds of the Future. (Steed is a working animal used as a mount). 一產後母馬和她的幼子。


"神馬都是浮雲" - OIL ON CANVAS 20" x 24"


Cloudy sky :crimson alizarin + french ultramarine + titanium white

Mountains :french ultramarine + titanium white

Cypresses:sap green + french ultramarine (highlight)

Other trees: sap green + cadmium yellow or lemon yellow or yellow ochre or titanium white + french ultramarine (highlight)

Wheatfield: cadmium yellow + cadmium red (or burnt sienna for horses shadow)

Horses: burnt sienna + french ultramarine + titanium white