If I Lie Dying
文章來源: 一禾2010-12-20 09:15:23
I must have unintentionally poured
too much blue Sapphire into my gin-n-tonic
Now that blue stuff is running in my veins in my brains
It is time to speak the truth
So I say (or the gin says)
"If I lie dying
will you still be mad at me
will you rush to my bed
will you sooth my cracked lips
with your warm tears
will you bring me red roses
will you spread their petals onto my cheeks
to make them blush again
if I lie dying?"
One more sip and I continue (or is it the gin)
"If I lie dying
will all my guilt be forgotten
will my heart transform into a dove
as light and free as a dove
spreading its wings
will I hear your deepest secret
will I decipher who you are
and why our paths cross
if I lie dying?"
"And if I open my eyes
at that glorious moment just right
And if it turns out to be a dream
in the middle of the night?"
End of questions.
Empty glass.