文章來源: 一卷芭蕉宛轉心2010-12-22 21:18:13

      我在網上看到的《三國演義》英文版是漢學家Brewitt-Taylor 翻譯的《Romance of the Three Kingdoms》(這個文題的翻譯我持保留意見)。作者興致勃勃地宣稱,此譯本比原著還好,原因: 1 附有與《三國誌》、《資治通鑒》等曆史典籍的對比說明; 2 附有三國地圖; 3 電子版讀者閱讀時可留言討論。我雖不敢完全苟同作者觀點,但看了本章節後,還是覺得譯本有原著風采,不失佳作。

1 關於子龍人名和青釭劍名的翻譯。

       這回目 “劉玄德攜民渡江 趙子龍單騎救主”翻 譯為“ Liu Bei Leads His People Over The River; Zhao Zilong Rescues The Child Lord At Dangyang ”,趙雲的名字是譯成子龍的字: Zhao Zilong !我把若幹主要人物的名字瀏覽了一下,三位在中文版演義作者以字呼之的人物劉備、關羽、諸葛亮則翻譯成: Liu Bei , Guan Yu , Zhu Geliang ,其他人物更是全翻譯的名。看來本版譯者對子龍也好似情有獨鍾。青釭劍名譯為“ Blue Blade ”,這個翻譯就是直接譯為“藍色的劍”了,西人貌似愛把“青”譯為“ blue” ,青鳥也是譯為“ blue bird ”。此處讀者討論頗為熱烈,有人認為劍名很不好譯,有人因為感到沒譯出劍名的神韻,強烈表示想學中文。

2 關於人物對話的翻譯。


       "Perhaps he has gone over," said Zhang Fei. "He must see that we are nearly lost and there are riches and honors on the other side." "He has followed me faithfully through all my misfortunes. His heart is firm as a rock. No riches or honors would move him," said Liu Bei.

        玄德說的“子龍 從我於患難,心如鐵石,非富貴所能動搖也”可謂譯得神形皆備。

        "Say," said Zhao Zilong, "that I will seek the lost ones in heaven or hell, through good or evil. And if I find them not, I will die in the battlefield."

        這是英雄人物的內心表白,原文是  “ 我上天入地,好歹尋主母與小主人來。如尋不見,死在沙場上也! ”  此處用字貼切,“上天入地”等關鍵字翻譯得絲絲入扣,有讀者留言“ How courageous! -- This is the best quote I've seen in the entire book. Zhao Yun is incredibly loyal. ”,可見譯文也深具藝術感染力。

       "My child will live then since you are here," cried Lady Mi. "Pity him, O General! Protect him, for he is the only son of his father's flesh and blood. Take him to his father, and I can die content."  " It is my fault that you have suffered," replied Zhao Zilong. "But it is useless to say more. I pray you take my horse, while I will walk beside and protect you till we get clear."

       這是糜夫人和子龍的對話,總的來說是盡得原著精髓,“骨血”翻譯為“ flesh and blood ”非常貼切自然。隻有糜夫人原話中的“(他父親)飄零半生”沒翻出來,但是增加了一個感歎詞“ O General! ”,表達糜夫人急切的希望,讀後亦覺感人。

3 、關於戰鬥場麵的翻譯  

        Ma Yan and Zhang Zi following and Jiao Chu and Zhang Neng in front, his state seemed desperate, but Zhao Zilong quailed not.

       As the men of Cao Cao came pressing on, Zhao Zilong drew Cao Cao's own sword to beat them off. Nothing could resist the blue blade sword. Armor, clothing, it went through without effort and blood gushed forth in fountains wherever it struck. So the four generals were soon beaten off, and Zhao Zilong was once again free.

       不如原著精煉,原著中“雲乃拔青釭劍亂砍,手起處,衣甲平過,血如湧泉” 22 個字就描述了的場景這裏譯了 34 個單詞,譯者還自行加了“趙子龍身陷絕境,但他毫無懼色”等等原著沒有的話。不過翻譯得還算生動,子龍武藝高強、臨危不懼的藝術形象經過翻譯沒有打折扣。而且從譯者自行添加的字句可以看出,譯者對子龍也非常欣賞喜愛,大約還有照顧西方讀者,怕他們看不懂,解釋一下的意思。

4 關於詩詞的翻譯

       這部分很難盡得神韻,要將中文詩精準地譯為英文詩,除非翻譯功夫以至化境。但譯者還是認真地將這些譯詩單列出來,放在粉色的框內。比如以下兩首。 血染征袍透甲紅,當陽誰敢與爭鋒!古來衝陣扶危主,隻有常山趙子龍。

Blood dyed the fighting robe and crimsoned his buff coat;
None dared engage the terrible warrior at Dangyang;
In the days of old lived the brave Zhao Zilong,
Who fought in the battlefield for his lord in danger.

       這段意思是翻譯出來了,但是由於中英文發音差距太大的緣故音韻之美喪失殆盡,不過譯者把“紅 ” 譯為“ crimson ”,深紅的意思,本人認為還不錯,據說顏色詞在英語當中是一大特色。


From out Cao Cao's host a tiger rushed,
His wish but to destroy;
Though Liu Bei's consort lost her life,
Zhao Zilong preserved her boy.
"Too great the risk you ran to save this child," the father cried.
To show he rated Zhao Zilong high,
He threw his son aside

