文章來源: 單身母親2008-09-14 17:34:31


You scored 40%


We hope that no one's ever tried to hold you back, because clearly you have your own idea of how the world ought to run (or at least your world)(女強人啊?不對啊,我很淑女很溫柔嘛;-)). Your gusto and love of life (這個還差不多挺適合我的)are clear and clearly mark you as a red zinfandel drinker.

You scored 20%


Your sunny, breezy disposition and optimistic outlook on life (嗯,我就是挺樂觀地,傻樂,嘿嘿。。。)would make anyone envious. With you, the (wine) glass is always half full -- not half empty -- and naturally it's full of something charmingly easy to love. There's no doubt about it -- you're a chardonnay drinker.

You scored 20%

Sauvignon Blanc

Well, it's pretty clear -- for you, the problem with conventional wisdom is that it's conventional. And so, when it comes to wine, it's no surprise that you're a free spirit(最早結識的美國女朋友就給我個,FREE SPIRIT評價). Who cares if everybody else is drinking chardonnay? You're different. Sauvignon blanc is more your style.

You scored 20%

Cabernet Sauvignon

Life is too short to drink bad wine (如果有鈔票,還是好酒美味啊). Whoever made up this saying could have been thinking of you, right? Your taste for the finer things in life (and the fact that you always seem to be attracted to whatever's most expensive。這不由我啊,每次去商店,看上的衣服都超過我的承受能力。) makes it very clear: You're a cabernet sauvignon drinker.

You scored 0%


Women confident enough to drink a great wine from a jelly glass aren't a dime a dozen, but you're one of them. Moreover, your no-nonsense approach to life is a big tip-off(我還是沒有能力我行我素,所以0%MERLOT). You're a classic merlot drinker.

You scored 0%

Pinot Noir

In another life you were probably Colette. You obviously have a kind of sensuality that governs your outlook on life (and on men -- but that's another story). For you, the most satisfying wine of all (and if one isn't satisfied, what's the point?) is pinot noir. (PINOT NOIR 是我在餐館最常喝的酒啊,所以不準確;-))

You scored 0%

White Zinfandel

Isn't it amazing how much difficulty people create for themselves? Not you. You know how to take pleasure in the simple things. Bravo. Celebrate immediately with a glass of white zinfandel.

You scored 0%


Being amenable to most things, wine in general makes you happy. But your obvious romantic side means you're the kind of woman for whom the lacy elegance of Riesling is irresistible. (其實我還挺喜歡不太DRY的RIESLING的)