文章來源: 多倫多的秋天2006-09-20 19:44:45



有一天,老和尚告訴他一個“好辦法”:“掃落葉以前先把樹搖一搖,把明天的落葉一起搖下來,這樣第二天就不用掃了”。小和尚覺得這真是好辦法,於是,次日清晨,在掃落葉之前,小和尚先把樹使勁搖了搖,果然有很多葉子飄落下來。小和尚把落葉打掃幹淨, 想到明天就可以不用打掃落葉了,一整天都很開心。




Today We Would Not Have Left the Deciduous Tomorrow      

Autumn, the leaves began to wind floated down, floated down in the embrace of Mother Earth. Watching the earth gradually growing deciduous, think of a story, and could not really share friends.   

The story is a little monks, the temple in the morning and cleaning up fallen leaves. Autumn occasion, the wind fallen leaves every day, every day they spend a lot of time cleaning End leaves, which is a headache when clasping. He has always wanted to find a way to let their lighter. 

One day, the old monk told him that a "good solution" : "The first swept past a tree shake shake, shake down together tomorrow's deciduous, so do not sweep the next day." Clasping think this is a good idea, therefore, the next morning, swept in before clasping first tree planted shakes, it was a lot of leaves fall gently down. Clasping put deciduous clean, I was thinking about tomorrow, it could not sweep the fallen leaves, a very happy day.  

However, the next day the lines were found, or the deciduous ground, as usual. Clasping hundred hard time, the old monk approaching, the newspaper said : "silly child, no matter how hard you today, tomorrow will never fallen leaves left today! "  

In fact, life did it not ah. We always worried about tomorrow, yesterday brooding, but forgot to settle down properly appreciate this very moment, now that we have all enjoyed.