人總要有點情懷 一點夢想 一點正義感, money will come to you
文章來源: 海棠花兒2021-01-10 15:40:55

 於 2017-11-27

我說過我有比特幣情懷 比特幣我不為賺錢。

我看白皮書非常早,比特白皮書迄今還是最好的區塊鏈相關的白皮書,在於他簡單易懂,李笑來現在名聲很不好, 但是他眼光很好, 他曾經說過他當年為什麽隻投比特 不投以太, 主要就是比特簡單隻做一件事情,這也是根本的為什麽直到目前比特都沒有被黑過(不算交易所和自己扔了硬盤那些)。

但是我的情懷不僅僅來自白皮書, 比特最重要的不是幣, 也不是可以換多少錢, 而是人。 早期的比特社區非常完美,人人都有情懷。我今天給大家講一個故事。 故事從這個在推特上發出第一個和比特相關的推的人說起。


他的名字叫Hal Finney. twitter handle @halfin. 他是加州理工畢業的,PGP的第二位開發者, 第一位也是大名鼎鼎,Phil Zimmermann。 PGP 是什麽我就不解釋了。大家每天都用的。Hal Finney 是曾被誤以為中本聰的人, 他其實不是,但是中本聰的第一筆比特幣就是發給他的, 當時是測試, Hal Finney 也是中本聰之外第二個給比特幣寫代碼的人。 

Halfin 很遺憾2013年罹患重病,寫代碼到生命最後一刻, 寫代碼給他帶來了生命中最大的樂趣。 他與2014年8月28日離世,他被冷凍保存 (http://lists.extropy.org/pipermail/extropy-chat/2014-August/082585.html) 所以你會看到他的推特下麵很多人向他致敬, 說 see you at the other side....

今天比特社區不再如以前那樣充滿這樣有情懷的人, 但是水至清則無魚, 我想Halfin 在那一邊也會很欣慰今天他和中本聰的創造給世界帶來如此大的改變。

下麵這篇報道我昨晚又看了幾遍。 it brought me to tears, 特別是看到 “It's almost ready to release. I just have to do the documentation."  在這裏分享一下吧, 我想很多人會笑話我吧。


Speaking of heirs, I got a surprise in 2009, when I was suddenly diagnosed with a fatal disease. I was in the best shape of my life at the start of that year, I'd lost a lot of weight and taken up distance running. I'd run several half marathons, and I was starting to train for a full marathon. I worked my way up to 20+ mile runs, and I thought I was all set. That's when everything went wrong.

My body began to fail. I slurred my speech, lost strength in my hands, and my legs were slow to recover. In August, 2009, I was given the diagnosis of ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, after the famous baseball player who got it.

ALS is a disease that kills moter neurons, which carry signals from the brain to the muscles. It causes first weakness, then gradually increasing paralysis. It is usually fatal in 2 to 5 years. My symptoms were mild at first and I continued to work, but fatigue and voice problems forced me to retire in early 2011. Since then the disease has continued its inexorable progression.

Today, I am essentially paralyzed. I am fed through a tube, and my breathing is assisted through another tube. I operate the computer using a commercial eyetracker system. It also has a speech synthesizer, so this is my voice now. I spend all day in my power wheelchair. I worked up an interface using an arduino so that I can adjust my wheelchair's position using my eyes.

It has been an adjustment, but my life is not too bad. I can still read, listen to music, and watch TV and movies. I recently discovered that I can even write code. It's very slow, probably 50 times slower than I was before. But I still love programming and it gives me goals. Currently I'm working on something Mike Hearn suggested, using the security features of modern processors, designed to support "Trusted Computing", to harden Bitcoin wallets. It's almost ready to release. I just have to do the documentation.

And of course the price gyrations of bitcoins are entertaining to me. I have skin in the game. But I came by my bitcoins through luck, with little credit to me. I lived through the crash of 2011. So I've seen it before. Easy come, easy go.

That's my story. I'm pretty lucky overall. Even with the ALS, my life is very satisfying. But my life expectancy is limited. Those discussions about inheriting your bitcoins are of more than academic interest. My bitcoins are stored in our safe deposit box, and my son and daughter are tech savvy. I think they're safe enough. I'm comfortable with my legacy.