李祿這廝,有何本事? zt
文章來源: elander2010-10-02 00:18:54


李祿,唐山人,89年被通緝後逃來美國。這幾天他成為一個轟動財界的人物。隻因他被投資大王巴菲特視為接任公司(Berkshire Hathaway 正在開年會)CIO的熱門人選之。而他能如此炙手可熱,也是因緣際會,在哥大學習時,經濟窘困一心要發達,偶然聽了巴菲特來校的演講,心有靈犀,確定事業方向,後結識圈中賞識他的蒙哥(MUNGER), 介紹他跟巴菲特合作,大手筆投資中國新興企業BYD, 一炮而響,上市後勢不可擋,為巴菲特財富帝國立下汗馬功勞。但有些分析人士對李祿的能力並不信服,因為回顧他的投資業績,也隻有這一個交易可圈可點,帶起了整體的平均數據。 但李祿已從自己的“民運人士”背景中走出,成為美國主流社會精英的一員,絕對是不爭的事實。他甚至是大名鼎鼎,冠蓋雲集,被“陰謀論者”認為是為帝國主義領導出謀劃策指點江山的“對外關係協會”(外交協會--The Council on Foreign Relations)的會員。看他的簡曆:

Li Lu was born in China in 1966. He attended Nanjing University in China and later came to the U.S., and earned three degrees (BA, JD, MBA) simultaneously from Columbia University. After graduation, he worked in an investment bank until 1997, when he founded Himalaya Capital Management, which today manages both LL Investment Partners and Himalaya Capital Ventures, funds focused on publicly traded securities and venture capital. Li Lu was named a global leader for tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in 2001, and a Henry Crown fellow by the Aspen Institute in 1998. He is a member of Council on Foreign Relations and Young Presidents’ Organization.

