英譯:微型小說/Micro Fiction (V)
文章來源: 美壇奇葩2010-12-12 11:14:16
英譯:微型小說/Micro Fiction (V)

(Original from Internet)

On a Valentine\'s Day, Grandpa, who was suffering from Alzheimer\'s disease, disappeared. At night, a hospital called to tell us that an old man, with this phone number sewn on his clothes, was standing in a ward and would not leave. Dad and Mom went to pick up him, and cried upon entering the ward. Grandma passed away in this room. When seeing the rose, from nowhere, in a hand of my silly Grandpa, I suddenly recalled that, on a Valentine\'s Day a few years ago, I asked Grandpa why not send rose to Grandma. He said, the silly old lady did not live up to the rose.

情人節,老年癡呆的外公 失蹤。晚間,醫院來電說有位衣服上縫這個電話的老人站在某病房裏不肯離去。去接外公時媽媽一進病房便哭了,外婆就是在這間病房去世的。當我看到傻傻的外公手裏那支不知從哪裏揀來的玫瑰時,忽然想到幾年前情人節,我問外公咋不送外婆玫瑰時,外公說傻老太太襯不上玫瑰。