模仿 Canada A People's History Trailer前半部分
文章來源: 千與.千尋2010-06-07 14:40:17

【模仿 Canada A People's History Trailer 前半部分】



感謝她一直以“外行領導內行”的大無畏職業精神對我進行批評與指導,就像Apple的領導人Steve Jobs對其手下:“我不管你能不能實現以及如何實現。這,就是我想要的!”


非常喜歡這部 Canada A People's History 係列片,Thanks a lot, wholeheartedly!

Tonight, the English and French networks of the CBC launch the first history of Canada for the television age.

This series of documentaries will be broadcast on CBC television and radio-Canada over the next two years, covering our history from the first peoples to the end of the 20th century.

All the events portrayed in this history actually happened.

All the people you see actually lived.

All the words they speak were spoken or written by them.

“I was chosen to join in a number of others to take a perilous voyage to a new world. I resigned myself to silence……far from my own country.”

This is the story of thousands like her, who found much more than exile.

A land of mystery and adventure, a story of madmen and visionaries, saints and pirates, in a landscape of terrifying beauty.

It is the story of the clash of empires, of battles to possess continent.