第一篇日記 05-31 Flip-Flopping Ottawa’s Streets
文章來源: 千與.千尋2010-05-31 20:46:34

2010-05-31 Flip-Flopping Ottawa’s Streets

After failing to renew some checked-out items on website, I made up my mind to walk to library. No frustration at all because I was seeking an excuse to get out for a walk, which might help to ease the tightness in chest.

Threw myself into a causal jean skirt and slipped toes into flip-flops, without wearing any sun block cream or hat I simply immersed into bright sunshine. Let the sunlight blind my eyes! Let the summer breeze fondle my bobbing hair!

Strolling along the street and inching towards the library leisurely was such an enjoyment! Don’t have to worry about the time for I have plenty! Don’t walk too fast otherwise you’ll miss the views. I was just like guided by the light of nature, stopping at red, going at green. I wasn’t even thinking I was heading to library, so when I passed the front door I was still……flip-flopping…..aimlessly towards somewhere where something is supposed to be done today!

After overshooting destination for quite far I woke up abruptly. Where am I going? No biggy, make a U turn as I always did while driving. (I can make perfect U-turn as hubby always comments, because I’m always lost. 記得和一個朋友在同一條路上來來回回u-turn了十多次,兩人都找不到路,那時沒GPS呢。That’s OK.)

A security guard of library saw me make an abrupt turn and smiled at me:“Hi, you come back so quick, eh?”

“Yeah, I was dreaming” I smiled backed at him. Exactly, I was dreaming.

The problem was resolved smoothly with a friendly librarian’s help.

Stepping out of the library, I plunged myself into a used book store close by. This is one of my hobbies: shopping in used book stores! I could only become greedy there.

Transversely scanning the shelves from the top down and one shelf after another, look what I’ve got:

1. The Phantom of the Opera, guess how much????? $1, hard copy and fairly new!!!

2. What to Expect When You’re Expecting, only $2 !!! My coworker just mentioned this book to me last week and she bought it at $21.95. ^v^

Hilariously swirling out of the store, I felt my heart was lighted up again. When stepping down to the street I saw an old man pushing his wife in a wheelchair passing by. That lady looked so pale and was wrapped tightly from head to toe. Her head hung down against her chest and she was totally unresponsive to her hubby's non-stop chatting. But this old man seemed like talking to a little girl who’s listening to him intently, he talked and talked, softly and gently. I couldn’t help following them for a few yards then gazing after them into a nursing home.