my trip to Edinburgh and London.
文章來源: worriedmom12010-05-17 16:14:52
Timing is bad. I went to Edinburgh from London last Friday. I carried my luggage on board as usual but was told luggage would be too big to fit in. This was an airbus 321. I had gut feeling that I would have problems later on when the lady standing in front of the gate phoned someone for assistance because the luggage chunk on the back of the aircraft had been closed. She was instructed what to do then took my luggage away. I was too tired to enjoy this 1 hour trip. I just arrived to London a couple of days ago via BA's economy premium (there is no much difference from an economy class, putting additional cost as much as $1000 aside) class. Firm's tight budget, jet lag and long hours working afterwards in London exhausted me. I couldn't fall asleep as wished on the way over, and felt irritated when the flight took the plunge into an endlessly massive and semi-opaque cloud. As worried, my luggage didn't come out on the moving belt. The flight was awfully delayed at the first place and secondly I had no formal suit for change but only a formal meeting with an investment firm ahead. Fortunately, I didn't wear a jeans. But definitely a pair of sneakers. But Edinburgh and scenes of the Scottland shocked me by their spectacular beauties. Taxi drove me down to the city center, pointing me the Edinburgh Castle, I couldn't help myself wowing out! When I greeted with the guys I had meeting with, I at once realized I was not the most depressed one in the room. These guys probably never worked hard in a Friday afternoon, they didn't even bother hiding their disappointment upon my late arrival. They were all smartly dressed with traditional scottish banker's looks, just wearing kind of bitterness on their faces. My guilt was suddenly released. Meetings went very well, mostly attributed to their familiarity with due diligence questions. They were well prepared beforehand and knew how to efficiently address the concerns of the investors. I liked such money managers even though I wasn't warmly welcomed by them. I went to the hotel, room was big and comfortable even tough the luggage had yet been delivered by the BA. I made a couple of expresso, ate up the biscuits on the tray and removed make-up on my face. I opened the thick curtails covering the windows, glowing sunlight of the Scotland's dawn poured into the room! Finally that is the time for relax.