II型糖尿病不是終身疾患,可逆轉, 可治好,可正常
文章來源: 愛令2014-04-03 21:38:06

II型糖尿病不是終身疾患,可逆轉, 可治好,可正常

by網友: GuestNewBoy


Good luck!

This method is created and tested by GuestNewBoy, it could effective reverse high blood sugar level and glucosylate hemoglobulin, reverse many symptoms like hunger and dry feeling, skin itching.....etc.

If it works for you too, post your witness here, and thanks!


my answer: Levels of Glucose and Glycosylated Hemoglobin before and after self soybean treatment, and symptoms before and after self soybean treatment. (note: my background----Medical Doctor in internal medicine). of course, it is a case only, but it is so simple and so effective, I am disclosed it here in case someone find useful too.

my answer: 減了糧食的攝入 will make me feel hungry always, feel weaker, can't perform normal physical work or strong sports; in otherword, yI still fell like a patient, far from original normal life. 黃豆完全代替大米作為主要食物,其他菜隻管像通常食用 lead to feeling of go back normal totally, feeling strong, go back to normal sports and hard works (physically or mentaly or both) without problem; in summary, I am not feeling sick anymore!

3.除去發病機理比較清楚的I 型糖尿病(其實也不是很清楚)以外,所有原因不明的血糖增高都歸為II 型糖尿病。所以,II 型糖尿病是一種原發性綜合症。 現有的藥物控製,是針對糖代謝的各個環節進行幹預,以達到控製血糖的目的。不難理解,不同的病人對不同藥物會有不同的治療效果。目前還沒有辦法預知哪個藥對哪類病人有效。隻能根據經驗試。隻有飲食控製(還有體育鍛煉)是對所有病人都會有效的。飲食控製的方麵很多,光用大豆(豆製品)替代澱粉類食物是有缺陷的。還是以廣譜一點的食物,適當減少澱粉類食物為好。
my answer: It is no question Diabetes type II is due to dysfunction in carbohydrate metabolism, continue carbohydrate rich foods such as rice can't solve problem from source.......eventhough reduce the amount of rice taking and taking oral anti-sugar medicine like glipizide and metoformin. Soybean is a protein rich and sugar poor food, if kidney function normally, it is a good choice to recover from suffering of diabetes type II. As soybean contain 4 times energy as rice and it is relative taking long time to digest, I feel strong and full of energy, and furthermore, I am not hungry any more. Usually within 1 week after taking soybean will see difference!

4. 用黃豆代替一般糧食有一定的烹飪難度,並且會放很多屁。您是怎麽解決介個問題的呢?
my answer: soak dried soybean in water overnight, then wash 1-2 times, and then cook 35-40min using pressure cooker with water covering the soybean. I usually prepare enough for 1 weeks and store in 4C refrigerator. Microwave 1-2 min before eating, and enjoy it with meat and vegetable while your family member eating rice/bread.

5. what situation may be not good to taking soybean?
My answer: allergy to soybean, kidney problem that can't handle too much protein taking, and stomach problem that feel pain after taking soybean.

6. Does soybean expensive for longtime taking?
My answer: only $36 for 60 pounds, enough for months!

7. Does soybean kill my male impulse/sexuality?
My answer: I don't think so, however, taking a bit more rice/sugar will be useful to your sex, that's my guess....as sugar could provide faster energy supply than protein for your happy sex.

8. Guestnewboy statement: above information is my personal experience and opinions only, not a nutritional or medical advisement.


UPDATE 糖尿病豆食療逆轉法:糖尿病II型不再是終身疾患, 可逆轉, 可恢複, 可正常


大豆類完全代替大米或者麵食作為主要食物; 肉類油類和蔬菜水果隻管像通常食用(但較正常略少為佳)----這就是糖尿病豆食療逆轉法




早餐:澱粉類豆子(白豆紅豆綠豆), 豆子非常“頂飽”,消化速度緩慢,血糖上升非常慢,所以十分適合減肥者和高血糖糖尿病人。用豆類來做澱粉來源,在實驗中也有降糖降脂的作用。




我的經驗和推理---為什麽大豆有用原理及優點: 糖尿病豆食療逆轉法可實現同時避免低血糖和高血糖,這是降糖藥的終極卻無法實現的目標! 這也是康複II型糖尿病的關鍵所在。  黃豆等是比大米難消化是充滿能量的食物可有效消除血糖,並且蛋白質會通過糖原異生作用而轉化成糖類,不會低血糖,所以吃它3天後饑餓感都沒有了脆弱的感覺都沒有了, 體力恢複正常大豆富含白質,相對缺乏澱粉從而可能避免高血糖高峰,由此導致糖尿病的諸多問題例如血糖和化血紅蛋白恢複正, 口幹皮膚瘙癢等症狀消失生活終於回到正常了

慎重:  痛風,腎髒疾病,及其他不能處理富含蛋白質飲食的疾病 不要使用糖尿病豆食療逆轉法 有人說可能惡化這些疾病

有人說,這隻是個案報告,但我體驗到同時也相信它是從糖尿病患者恢複到幸福正常生活(即不再是病人一樣的不舒服的生活)的唯一秘法。 在當今糖尿病日漸流行的時代, 這個簡單而有效的發現是非常有用的,非常有意義的, 不能化輕忽也!

本人早年由中山醫學院畢業, 學貫中西,  並不是信口開河的江湖大師

傳播這個簡單有效的豆食療糖尿病逆轉法   造福高血糖/糖尿病II型患者   法治有緣人...... 善哉善哉善哉!

