給大家提個醒, 助人為樂不容易,要有保護自己的意識。
文章來源: CalmMM2010-04-05 10:54:05
上星期天和兒子到一小店逛街. 看到一女士包,沒多想,撿起來 還給了幾米外的收銀人。Continued to shop in the same store but other areas.

I was smiling, thinking the owner would be so thankful and share it with her family members in dinner。就象以前有人退還我在Walmart 丟在購物車的包時,我是多麽的感激。

Half hour later when I was ready to check out, the cashier told me that the owner said about $100 was lost. My jaw was dropped and felt deeply hurt. Some strategies I thought about to protect myself were:

1. I didn\'t even open her purse, so I don\'t have fingertips.
2. If she didn\'t lie, anybody could steal the money before I returned it.

還好店員和老板都相信我, 說那個女大學生看起來很fishy. The sad thing is NOW I will be afraid of my own shadow. 來美多年做好事少有心理障礙, now I promised to myself that next time I see something, I will let the security people to pick it up instead of returning it myself.