Republicans seize Senate, but what will they do with it?
文章來源: 樂倫2014-11-05 08:08:00
America rejects failed Obama era; Republicans seize Senate, but what will they do with it?

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(NaturalNews) Texas Sen. Ted Cruz earned a massive round of applause in Texas last night, declaring "The era of Obama lawlessness is over!" Across the nation, America defiantly rejected the failed policies of an administration that offered words without substance. Obama was strong on rhetoric and strong in making promises of a brighter future for all Americans, but with each passing year that supposed future became increasingly bleak.

After six years of empty Obama promises, America is now deeper in debt, health care costs continue to spiral out of control, the economy is on the brink of disaster and the economic reality for individual Americans has long since passed the point of crisis.

Now American voters have soundly rejected the failed policies of an administration grounded in illusion and charismatic influence rather than viable economic policies that support the expansion of small business and the creation of higher wage jobs in America. With tonight's vote, the People have said, "Enough is enough!" They're looking for real change now; not the false change that was seductively promised but never delivered.

Will Republicans do anything useful with their newfound power?

Republicans have now taken control of the U.S. Senate, giving them control of both houses of Congress. But the question on everybody's mind now is, "Will they do anything useful with that power?"

After all, as Jesse Ventura describes the two parties in America, they are just two different gangs vying for power -- the Democryps and Rebloodlicans. Voting exit polls show that most Americans have lost faith in the ability of the federal government to do anything constructive at all. Approval opinions of the CDC has plummeted in the disastrous government response (and cover-up) of the Ebola outbreak. The reputation of the IRS fell off a cliff following revelations that it selectively targeted conservative non-profits for punitive actions. The U.S. Secret Service has been caught up in prostitution scandals and outrageous security failures. By and large, Americans increasingly see the federal government as a massive failure.

Those of us who are well informed on health and agriculture issues also know that both the FDA and USDA are wholly corrupted by corporate interests. They have both abandoned the People and systematically make decisions to enrich their corporate controllers on everything from GMOs to medicine.

Can a Republican-controlled Congress change any of that? Pardon me if I'm a skeptic. The Republican establishment strongly favors corporate interests, and while there's no question that America's small businesses need a break from the outrageous burdens of Obamacare, Republicans are more often than not working for BIG business, not small business.

The Republicans will soon have two years to decide what kind of political party they want to be in the run up to 2016. If they tow the party line and do nothing but promote corporate interests, they will almost certainly lose the presidential election in 2016... possibly to Hillary Clinton. (And if the 2016 Presidential race comes down to another Clinton versus another Bush, I will not be able to stop vomiting for days...)

But if the Republicans can reinvent themselves and actually get something useful done that serves the interests of the American people rather than the interests of their corporate masters, then they might actually have a shot at taking the White House in 2016.

The next two years will be very dangerous for America

Until 2016 arrives, however, we are in a very dangerous time for America right now. Obama is now backed into a corner and appearing desperate... almost deranged. There's no telling what sort of illegal executive orders he will attempt to pull in the next two months while the U.S. Senate remains under the control of the Democrats. And even after Republicans take command of Congress, Obama can still do a tremendous amount of damage to America from the Oval Office... damage both to the United States as a nation and also to the office of the presidency itself.

Meanwhile, the stock market bubble looms as a financial crisis just waiting to happen, and the U.S. economy continues to crater from job losses which the federal government has simply chosen not to report. (Almost all the economic indicator numbers the feds are publishing now are complete fiction.) Food inflation is alarmingly high but take-home earnings are stagnant, meaning most people are getting deeper and deeper into a financial hole.

Only fools look to government to solve the very problems it created in the first place. I am of the view that we'd all be better off if the government would get out of our way and let us entrepreneurs create jobs, expand businesses and help restore the kind of liberties and freedoms that lead to prosperity in the first place. Most of all, we've got to stop the Federal Reserve from robbing us all blind by creating fiat currency and handing it over to wealthy banksters while the rest of us quietly lose purchasing power by the minute. The looting of the American worker is already under way, and you pay the price every time you buy food at the grocery store.

Is America really on a new path of freedom and prosperity, or has the District of Criminals (D.C.) merely flipped from one gang to another? The next two years will provide us the answers. The era of Obama lawlessness may be coming to a close, but if we're not careful, Republicans might be steering us directly into a whole new era of Orwellian "soft fascism" where corporations decide everything and the People are increasingly stripped of power, rights, privacy and freedom. That was, after all, precisely what the Bush era brought us in the first place, which is partly why Obama got elected in such a landslide in 2008.

Because if government can't make a serious change and actually start solving some of the problems it has created, the American people may soon find itself in the streets, hungry and animated, gathering momentum for a popular revolt against a criminally-operated government that only sold them out.

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