Please: "Serenity now! Serenity now!"
文章來源: MDGG2007-06-23 14:48:47
Anybody remember those yellings of Serenity now! Serenity now! in Seifeld show?

So every one please calm down regarding our dying patient, the lung cancer patient wxc1666, asking for help. 嚴禁任何人身攻擊和謾罵行為!

People please also use your brain once or twice before openning your mouth. One of the guy asking for friends here praying for wxc1666 which is a very common, humane, polite, passionate, any-warm-hearted-people-would-want-to do-thing. S/he DID NOT mention, hint, suggest, or even thought of (I guess) this praying can cure/treat wxc1666\'s cancer. Then this poor guy was asked to show any clinical data to support his/her pray for this patient. People, I\'ve seen open or free-wondering-minded persons around, but this tops all of them!!! Just like Jerry said: I\'m open. There\'s just nothing in there.

Serenity now, insanity later._:$ _:$ _:$