文章來源: students.ACCEF2010-01-10 14:52:16

I wake up in the morning and it takes me five minutes to get to school in my 2001 Honda Civic. In fact, I can’t imagine a better way to start my mornings than hopping in my car, turning on the stereo, and singing the latest Britney Spears single at the top of my lungs.

On the other side of the world, Wang Ting wakes up a full two hours before school begins. Daily, she treks kilometers from her home near her family’s farm to her school in the city. I wonder if she’s ever heard Britney Spears sing.

Separated by the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean and wholly different cultural values, I was first introduced to Wang Ting two summers ago by my mom and her association with ACCEF. I had recently finished my summer internship studying oncogenes at a research institute, and as I am lucky enough to have my parents provide for everything, the little money I earned was gathering dust in a bank account. My mom suggested that I use that money to support a child’s high school education in China. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that tuition cost only a hundred dollars per semester, seeing as how many of my cousins were spending extraordinary amounts to finance their education. Excited that my money would be put to good use, I transferred the money and wished the best for her high school career.

Some months later, I received a simple but meaningful email from her in English. However, one sentence caught my eye immediately: “Keeping on learning is the most important thing in one’s life.” Having been around apathetic American teenagers who could have cared less about school for most of my life, this statement was a much welcomed change. Many kids, here and elsewhere, do not treasure the opportunities that someone like Wang Ting yearns for on a daily basis. I am just as guilty as anyone else of taking these benefits for granted, but ever since I became pen-pals with her, I have been a little bit more thankful for just being able to send her emails; unlike her, I don’t have to make a special trip to an internet café. Most aren’t even as fortunate as she. Impoverished rural teenagers in China are forced to discontinue pursuing higher education because they must help their families on the farm. Otherwise, the family would go hungry. Although the basic necessities of life are the top priorities, these kids must be educated in order to escape poverty. With a high school diploma or a college degree, they can finally help bring their families out of the villages. That is why financial support is crucial; it is the extra push they need and the miraculous opportunity of which they can take advantage. This is why I decided to help Wang Ting.

She certainly wasn’t the only one who benefited. I’ve developed an amazing bond with a girl ten thousand miles away. When the earthquakes hit Sichuan, I was so worried until she emailed, assuring me that she was safe. Her admirable sense of poise when it comes to juggling school work with farm work inspires me to always do better. And whenever I think that my life is hard, she reminds me that I am much more fortunate than most kids in the world, just because I have a cell phone and an iPod.

Wang Ting passed her exams with flying colors, and I couldn’t be more proud or excited. Next year, I’ll be headed to Harvard, while she finishes her last year of high school. Though our futures couldn’t possibly be more different, I can’t help but feel they are the same: relentlessly in pursuit of learning and always trying to make our lives better, a little bit at a time.

                                                                                                                                           By Zhao Zhang

    每天清晨醒來,我那輛2001年產的Honda Civic 用短短的5分鍾便能將我載去學校。事實上,實在想像不出有比每天跳上車子,迫不及待的的打開音響,哼著小甜甜Britney Spears動人肺腑的歌曲更美妙的生活了。




