文章來源: 靜默lemon2010-01-09 19:18:51

頭頂那片瓦de擁有,真那麽重要嗎?情感,生命,頭頂那片瓦... 也許人一生裏最不值錢的就是那片瓦,可也是最要錢的。不過熱議讓人性立體,人性讓世界多彩。
懷念雪城。雪片串起de記憶...喜歡雪夜“踏”雪。雪擠在一起發出的聲音,輕柔清脆,sounds like thousands of distance violins playing, running as far as heart could feel… 靜謐的雪夜,清澈的星空... 總是不經意間弄濕視線...the sweetyness /the sadness always comes to me hand in hand...
要做bmb,或AB,  不知道,唯一知道的P(AB)零概率。盡管P(A)無所謂,P(B) 1也無所謂,卻突然渴望P(AB)>0,不是難得糊塗嗎
清晨從夢醒來,夢濕了枕頭心輕輕地痙攣...  總是走不出那夢...
A brain appears to hold a special area, poetic memory, which only records everything that charms or touches us, that makes our lives beautiful" (someone said). So does a heart. A heart always possess a very special very unique area, where she keeps her own fairy tale, enbracing her when she is sick, comforting her when she cries, warming her up when she feels cold, being her accompanied when she feels alone, holding her up when she falls... always by her side, always in her dream...