新英語900句lesson 1
文章來源: cutestream2011-03-30 18:56:34

1. What college should I attend in the fall? 秋季我上哪一所大學好呢?
2. I’m majoring in history. 我學的是曆史專業。
 3. Can you tell me where is the dormitory? 你能告訴我宿舍在哪嗎?
4. I’m taking extra classes this semester. 這個學期我額外選修了一些課程。
5. Are you having problems with chemistry? 你在化學方麵有困難嗎?
6. I’m not worried about this test. 我並不擔心這次考試。
7. The prices of textbooks have gone up. 課本的價格上漲了。
 8. Our class has a meeting after lunch. 午餐後我們班要開一個會議。
9. The new professor is very strict. 新來的教授很嚴厲。
10. Do you want to study together for the exam? 你們想一起備考嗎?
11. So now that we've graduated from high school, what are you going to do? 既然我們已經高中畢業了,你有什麽打算?
12. My father says that choosing the right college is the most important decision a young person can make. 我父親說,選擇一所合適的大學是一個年輕人要做出的最重要的決定。
 13. How long have you attended this school? 你在這所學校上學有多久了?
14. I didn’t receive a room assignment for the dormitory, so I need to find out what room I will be living in. 我沒有收到宿舍安排通知,所以我需要去搞清楚我將住哪間房。
15. Have you decided on the classes you want to take this semester? 你有沒有決定這個學期要修哪些課程?