文章來源: bxie2015-05-15 11:04:41




程慕陽,原河北省委書記、貪官程維高之子,中國“紅色通緝令”上第69號被通緝的嫌犯。 今年4月國際刑警組織中國國家中心局(公安部國際合作局)公布了100名涉嫌經濟犯罪的外逃官員及相關涉案人員的名單後,他就如熱鍋上的螞蟻,坐不住了。兩天後,他關閉了他的網站,然後銷聲匿跡了。 要想人不知,除非己莫為。 這些年程慕陽在商界和政界的“業績”還是蠻卓著的。 為了不讓他卓越的貢獻被埋沒在人們的口水中,筆者把他的業績做了一點還原,讓大家看看程慕陽的輝煌成就。 不多說了,您自己看圖吧。






Mo Yeung International Enterprise LtdMYIE)地址是:8171 Ackroyd Rd, Richmond, BC V6X 3K1, Canada。 下麵這是穀歌快照上他公司的大樓:




project River Park Place。 其網站是這樣宣傳的:”River Park Place offers a rare, sophisticated lifestyle in Richmond’s fast-emerging Oval Village. This is the New Luxury – where everything you want from a home is in perfect balance.”


下麵這是程慕陽同誌的新的另一個projectCollection45. 他網站是這樣宣傳的:“ Collection 45 is a boutique building comprised of 45 residential suites and is the result of artistic vision and aesthetic mindfulness taken to the highest of standards. High design, functionality and masterful construction culminate in a sophisticated living experience in one of Vancouver’s most beloved neighbourhoods.”


程慕陽同誌的野心還真不小。 最近他還打造了一個國際貿易中心呢(
International Trade Centre)。 在這:



上麵這幾個不過是程慕陽同誌龐大的商業計劃的一部分。 還有不少的俺都沒有展現出來,例如下麵這個:“
Cowichan Bay is one of the very best West Coast destinations that people come back to year after year. Idyllically nestled in the heart of Cowichan Valley, between Victoria and Nanaimo, enjoy the best ocean views, whale watching and vineyard experiences. At The Oceanfront Suites at Cowichan Bay, choose from a 1 or 2bedroom suite, tastefully decorated in a contemporary West Coast style.


不能不佩服程慕陽同誌的商業天才。 這個集居住、購物、休閑為一體的小區樓還是蠻有創意滴。
這是他打造的 Richmond Oval Village:



Since 2002, MYIE has developed over 11 million square feet of real estate projects in Canada, the United States and Asia specializing in high end residential, commercial and retail projects. MYIE has continued its mission to diversify through various businesses from China.

With many years of experience in local and international building projects, we have earned the enviable reputation of being a dependable, nononsense developer who consistently delivers rocksolid results – on time and within the budget. This type of corporate responsibility allows us retain the flexibility to remain attainable for our enduser, both financially and personally.

MYIE LogoMo Yeung International Enterprise Ltd.

請注意程慕陽同誌上麵這一段話中強調他們一直在跟中國的一些生意夥伴合作。 現在就讓我們看看程慕陽同誌在中國的生意夥伴究竟是哪些。 這是其網站的穀歌快照:


看到了沒有,程慕陽同誌在中國的第一大合夥人是中天鋼鐵,第二大合夥人是證大集團。有錢大家賺嘛。 這兩個公司跟程慕陽同誌合夥做什麽呢?

一手抓生意,一手抓政治,看來這是程慕陽同誌的座右銘啊。程慕陽同誌的英文名字有兩個,一個是Mo Yeung Ching, 另一個是Michael Ching。 在下圖中,Michael Ching  (right), pictured in 2011 at an event in Richmond with Thomas Wu, former president of the Canada Asia Pacific Business Association, of which Ching is a director.



早在2011年,程慕陽同誌就跟加拿大在野黨領袖就打得火熱。 下圖中,Michael Ching (top left) at a 2011 event in Richmond, British Columbia, to greet Michael Ignatieff (front centre), then leader of Canada’s opposition Liberal Party.




程慕陽同誌不但有野心,還有自知之明。 他知道自己的不光彩的過去,也知道如何掩蓋那些見不得人的東西,還知道如何創建一個光明的未來。 下麵這張圖是他在推特上的一句自勉的口號,差點讓俺老淚縱橫啦:“Some people with the worst pasts end up creating the best future– FXXX! TMD先把那些不光彩的過去交代出來再去打造光輝的明天吧。


也許程慕陽同誌總在做昨天的噩夢。 所以他自勉,忘記昨天,才能有一個美好的明天:


程慕陽同誌,雖然您極力想忘記昨天,可中紀委不答應啊,估計中國老百姓也不答應。 您的前途是光明的,但您的道路卻是曲折的。 趕緊回國說清楚你的過去吧。 或許還有救。 Good luck!