Yesterday Once More
文章來源: humm2009-11-06 10:46:25

Yesterday Once More

by The Carpenters

When I was young I'd listen to the radio當我年少的時候,我總愛守在收音機旁
Waiting for my favorite songs等待著我最心愛的歌曲從收音機裏輕輕流淌。
When they played I'd sing along,每當歌聲響起,我都會獨自哼唱,
It make me smile.這時的我,心神蕩漾。

Those were such happy times and not so long ago那些真是快樂的時光,仿佛就發生在不遠的身旁,
How I wondered where they'd gone.我現在多想知道美好的時光都已去向何方。
But they're back again just like a long lost friend然而此時,他們都又回來了,就象我的一個老友一樣。
All the songs I love so well.我是多麽喜歡這些歌曲啊!

Every shalala every wo'wo每一個字,每一句歌詞,still shines.仍在我心裏閃耀;
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing每一個音符,每一段旋律,
so fine仍令我心中掀起波浪。

When they get to the part每當聽到他們離別的時候;
where he's breaking her heart他傷了她的心的時候,
It can really make me cry我仍會為之哀傷。
just like before.就象過去一樣.

It's yesterday once more.一切仿佛舊日重現,
(Shoobie do lang lang)無比惆悵。
Looking back on how it was in years gone by回過頭來看看走過的歲月,
And the good times that I had和曾經美好的時光,
makes today seem rather sad,如今的生活是如此令人心傷,
So much has changed.多少東西都已改變,無法阻擋!

It was songs of love that I would sing to them隻有那些關於愛的歌曲讓我依就吟唱
And I'd memorize each word.每句歌詞都深深地印在我的心坎上。
Those old melodies still sound so good to me這些遠去的旋律一直默默地伴隨著我,
As they melt the years away即便是歲月蹉跎,顏容消磨。

Every shalala every wo'wo still shines每一個字,每一句歌詞,仍在我心裏閃耀;
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing每一個音符,每一段旋律 ,
so fine 令我心中掀起波浪。

All my best memories come back clearly to me我仿佛又回到了我那最美好的記憶中,清新而又爽朗,
Some can even make me cry過去的一些事情又不禁讓我潸然淚下,暗自悲傷,
just like before.就象過去一樣,It's yesterday once more.昨日重現,歲月如歌,
(Shoobie do lang lang)如風隨形,飄然忽沒。

Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to singso fine
Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine