You are not that special
文章來源: 東土大糖2012-05-28 02:24:24
Certain people, I shall not mention any names but you know who they are, unfortunately way overestimate themselves and their importance to the world. They often suffer from serious insecurities and thus in need of constant affirmations from others (even though they strongly deny this and attempt to disguise this behavior with a passive-aggressive "I don't care what you say because I'm just here to have fun"). In English-language forums, this behavior is known as "Karma-whoring", the term originates from popular website Reddit.

Karma-whoring can be easily spotted by an internet veteran (particularly those who frequent the much more aggressive English-language forums such as 4chan), but they can easily fool gullible noobs. Here is a list of identifying features of a Karma-Whore:

1. Inability to take any form of criticisms. Since they are in desperately need of affirmations, they see criticisms as a deliberate attack on their plans of garnering approvals.

2. Inability of letting go. Because affirmation is so important to them, they will do everything they can to attack anyone who innocently damage their plan.

3. Make a scene. Since they often have an inflated ego, they believe they deserve more attention and thus pay no attention to internet etiquette and attempt to utilize the entire forum for their own personal gain.

4. Being overtly defensive.

5. Seeing the world in black and white, you are either with them or against them. Anything that others have said can be seen as an attack on them, even if the topic is completely unrelated and others have no interest in discussing them further.

6. Attempting to make exceptions to forum etiquette. They often believe they are special, therefore deserving special treatments from the moderators.