文章來源: 新網2005-06-27 13:26:53

阿蟲: 阿蟲筆下的癡人滿漢,花鳥蟲魚或風雨石頭,線條拙樸簡單,又具有禪意,加以簡練的文字,展現和諧快樂的人生態度,廣受歡迎。被認為是開蟬翼漫畫的先河,甚至有人認為他本身就是一位高僧或禪師。


 你站在橋上看風景, 看風景人在樓上看你 明月裝飾了你的窗子, 你裝飾了別人的夢…


Do Not Worry Last night, I played a game with a friend. I did a terrible job and lost my confidence. I wanted to quit. He whispered again and again: “Do Not Worry, Do Not Worry ”. That is the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard. Ask, Seek, Knock Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. ----- Matthew 7:6

