上菜了- 感恩節後餐
文章來源: lovehandle2009-11-29 17:36:18
每年感恩節都吃很多的火雞,吃到大家都膩了。 今年周六來一個"Everything But Turkey" party.

主打菜- 密製橘香豬排和BBQ ribs
orange glazed ribs 1
bbq ribs 1
bbq ribs

Scallops in sauted in wine and lemon sauce
scallops in white wine sauce

Roasted butternut squash and sweet potato
butternut squash and sweet potato

Sauted brussels sprouts with mustard sauce
brussels sprouts

chocolate raspberry souffle
chocolate dessert

酒足飯飽後,大家玩Wii racing 消一點calorie.