Go Yang(楊承誌)! 衝擊加州副州長!
文章來源: 臨江縣知縣2014-05-04 17:40:49

Go Yang(楊承誌)! 衝擊加州副州長!



而今年出來競選副州長(Lieutenant Governor)的George Yang  就是這少之又少中的一個。Yang 於讀中學時,從廣州移民美國。在2012年競選第24區州眾議員(Assemblyman),正式在政壇上開始展露頭角。雖然沒有選上,但也積累有了相當的實戰經驗和人脈。

由於曆史和現實的原因,灣區的共和黨組織非常的薄弱。以 Bob Huff 為代表的共和黨溫和派在那裏一直沒有太多的活動。Bob Huff所在的選區,有30% 拉丁裔,而Huff 仍然能以高比分獲勝,可見其支持的廣泛。Bob Huff也一直不遺餘力地支持少數族裔參政,比如,這次的Lingling  Chang (台灣裔)和Young Kim(韓裔), 都是“門生”級別的,特別是Lingling。他對Janet Nguyen(越南裔)的支持也同樣地有目共睹。Bob Huff 還一手培養了一位共和黨裏頭號拉丁裔的競選專家:Hector Barajas,曾經出任 Meg Whitman 2012參選加州州長的拉丁裔競選經理。

Yang Huff卻一直沒有直接的聯係。這次反SCA5,因緣際會,使我能有機會接觸並多少影響到加州共和黨的策略,主要是在華裔工作上的策略。在大陸留學出來的華人裏,這是極為少見的,我也很珍惜這樣的機會,希望能借此幫我們自己人。幾周以前,Yang 來南加州活動,我決定要盡我之所能,幫助這位政壇的“明日之星”,讓他有機會和溫和的加州共和黨的核心建立聯係。最後,幾經聯係撮合,這段政治聯姻終獲成功。我需要給大家說明的是,Huff Yang的支持,是頂住了巨大的壓力的。這個壓力也傳到了我這裏。但是,對於提攜具有同樣價值觀的華人,我負有義不容辭的責任。至於這個壓力是什麽,我這次就不談了,以後有機會再說。

Go Yang!我們在拭目以待你施展政治智慧,把大陸華裔的參政,推向新的高峰!



以下是Huff press release

April 28th, 2014

George Yang Earns Endorsement of Senate GOP Leader Bob Huff

LOS ANGELES, CA- George Yang announced today that he was endorsed for Lieutenant Governor by Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff.

California faces many challenges, including one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation,” said Senator Huff. “I believe George Yang has the personal experience and fresh ideas to help us create jobs. “With his passion and commitment to educational excellence, he will also be a strong voice to help reform our educational system to once again become the best in the nation.”

Bob Huff serves as the Senate Republican Leader in the California State Senate, and represents the 29th Senate District covering portions of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties.

I am proud to have earned Senator Huff's endorsement,” said Yang. “As Senate Republican Leader, he has a good understanding of the needs of our great state. He has also spent eighteen years in local and state government reforming education and working to reduce the size of government.”

For more information on the George Yang for Lieutenant Governor campaign, please visit www.goyanggo.org