文章來源: 陳晚2010-03-03 03:57:06


今天,我計劃要去當地的亞洲圖書館還書。因為手頭有幾本書還沒讀完,今晨五點多,雖然沒完全睡醒,我還是爬起來,抓緊時間讀這本書。這樣的讀書熱情,已經多年沒有過了。最近,好像又找到當年的感角了(趙本山台詞) ,愛讀書,愛瞎想。 




這幾天,涵比較喜歡和媽媽聊天兒。下午,寫作業時,涵自然自語地說,I AM PROUD OF MYSELF。我回問,你為什麽自豪呢?孩子回答說,我中文提前學好了一冊,我是學校MATH CLUB和 CHAMBER 的成員。今天,數學俱樂部的題,我隻錯了兩道,其他我全對。嗯,隻要孩子自我感覺好,就不錯了。 

另外,涵還和媽媽談起學校的事情。他們年級一位從俄羅斯領養來的男孩,有四次自殺未遂的經曆。年級另外一個男孩,患了白血病。涵懂事地對媽媽說,“我為自己有健康的身體,寶貴的生命,和好媽媽感到自豪。” 雖然這些話都是用英文說的,每次聊到這樣的話題,我就覺得,孩子真是大了。 






Incredible you---10 ways to let your greatness shine through 

#1 Share the good

There is good in you and in everyone. Sharing this good with others is fun. You have so many ideas inside your mind. Set them free, you are one of a kind. 

#2 Find what you love

Think of something you love to do. That is your passion, so let it shine through . Never let fear hold you back. DO what you love—you are on the right track. 

#3Your heart is like a magic cookie jar. All the love you need is never far. So reach inside and let that love out. And it will come back to you without a doubt. 

#4 Find a quiet place inside

Life can sometimes be so loud. It is hard to listen with all those sounds! Go to a quiet place inside. There your mind can wander or just hide. 

#5 Make today great!

In your life, plenty has happened so far. That is part of what makes you who you are. But do not worry too much about yesterday. What matters is what you do with today. 

#6 Change your thoughts to good

Some problems are big and some are small. Thinking good thoughts can help you solve them all. You can ask help with what is bugging you. And never forget God is always there, too. 

#7: Take care of yourself

If something or someone makes you feel bad, do not let it ruin your day by making you sad. Let go of the hurt and take care of you. You can not control what others say or do. 

#8.Picture what you want

Pretend you are what you like to be. Make a picture in your mind so you can see that what you want can come true. If you believe in your heart, it will come to you. 

#9Everyone is special, especially you.

There is something on Earth that all people share. It is  the source of all good and love everywhere. What is this great mystery, you may say? It is God that connects us together this way. 

#10 Bad thoughts zap your energy. Happy thoughts make you strong and free. It is a choice you make each day, so choose to be happy—that is the way! 

10-5-06 11:10PM