普羅旺斯的日子 - 陽光下的色彩和文字
文章來源: 思想的遠行2011-01-04 02:03:14



我們住的小鎮叫Isle sur la Sorgue,意為索格河上的小島。住的地方在郊外,到處是橄欖樹,橡樹和鬆樹,一直延續到遠處的群山之中。夜裏黑黑的,然後太陽會忽然從山的那邊跳出來,急切的穿過窗子,溫暖著人的身體,那熱情和倫敦太陽冷冷的矜持大不一樣。我於是起身到陽台上,在陽光下呼吸那仍然涼爽的新鮮空氣,碰碰那些伸過來的橄欖果和小橡子粒兒。


對我來說,那些旅行,更是在文字中的穿行。在聖瑞米(St Remy), 我減慢車速,打量著那些建築和樹木,試圖感覺梵高在精神病院裏寫他那些書信時的心情。在阿爾(Arles), 我在一個小飯店裏一邊吃中飯,一邊看著對麵的那個小旅館。然後走進去,看那旅館內院的黃色,那被梵高加重了色度的黃色。在萬顆露泉(Fountain VanCluse),我注視著那清澈的河水,想著文藝複興鼻祖彼德拉克(Patrarch)的詩篇。在卡馬穀(Camargue)的沼澤湖邊上,在無邊的孤寂之中我好像聽到了西蒙·德·波娃的腳步聲。在婁瑪雲(Lourmarin),我在想,這段路,是不是加繆曾經走過。



“在一個秋高氣爽的日子裏,夕陽西下的時候來到阿維農是個美妙的體驗”,雨果這樣說。(“Arriving in Avignon with a beautiful autumn sunset is a wonderful sight.” Victor Hugo noted in 1839.)

我們從巴黎坐TGV, 就是在這樣的一個傍晚到了普羅旺斯的大門-阿維農(Avignon)。如果是夏天,空氣會是潮濕而且霧蒙蒙的,不象現在這樣能看到遠山和羅納(Rhone)河。上次路過這是2006年。那次是夜裏到,到處的梧桐樹,讓我覺得像合肥或上海。不過那次從這裏我們去了French Riviera, 就是海邊的尼斯,坎城,蒙特卡羅等等。這次我們要住在內陸,真正的普羅旺斯。

在火車站邊的租車公司取來預定好了的車,半個小時就到了索格河上的小島(Isle sur la Sorgue)。看來看去,並沒覺得是在島上,大概從前這個鎮隻有街心的那一點點,被河水包圍的那塊地方,所以稱為島吧。





回來的時候轉到山穀裏的 Abbaye de Senanque,是個“寺廟”,有名的看熏衣草的地方,很多明信片上都有那一景。可惜我們去的時候已經過了季節,沒什麽顏色了。

然後去羅塞鄰(Roussillon),也是個山城。本來不遠,可是出來走錯了路,彎彎曲曲,一個多小時才到。羅塞鄰不同的是顏色,到處是紅土。房子也是紅色的。諾貝爾文學獎得主 Samulel Beckett二戰的時候住在這裏。


晚上回來的時候,路過 Fountain Vancluse,我把它譯成萬顆露泉。 我們的住所其實和萬顆露泉更近。萬顆露泉是索格河的源頭。河水清澈可以見底,讓人有一捧而飲的衝動。我馬上被這個河邊山腳下的小城所吸引。Gords比這個地方有名,也更美,為什麽我對這個小城更為心動呢! 想想自己喜歡的地方一定要有河流,莫非與自己出生地有條江有關係?不可思議。聖人說智者樂水,仁者樂山。可見自己不夠厚道仁義,有點小聰明聊以慰藉!






Her locks of beautiful golden hair flowed down her back,

Her eyes with long ebony lashes were ravishing,

Here face was as white as snow but without its coldness

She walked as softly as angel and her voice sounded otherworldly.




It was on Good Friday of 1327, he tells us, that he saw the woman whose withheld charms made him the most famous poet of his age.  He described her in fascinating detail, but kept the secret of her identity so well that even his friends thought her the invention of his muse, and counted all his passion as poetic license.  But on the flyleaf of his copy of Virgil, jealously treasured in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, may still be seen the words that he wrote in 1348:

Laura, who was distinguished by her virtues, and widely celebrated by my songs, first appeared to my eyes...in the year of Our Lord 1327, on the sixth day of April, at the first hour, in the church of Santa Clara at Avignon. In the same city, in the same month, on the same sixth day, at the same first hour, in the year 1348, that light was taken from our day.

人們按圖索驥發現了勞拉的背景,大概彼得拉克初次見到她時她已是名花有主。不管怎樣詩人把他的愛情藏到了心底,遠遠地躲起來。來到這個萬顆露泉。他說:“我幾乎所有的詩篇都源於這個地方”。(“Almost all of the poems that my pen produced were composed there or inspired by that place.”)

“The occasional sincerity of his feeling for her is suggested by his later remorse over its sensual elements, and his gratitude for the refining influence of this unrequited love.”





開車去小鹿不忍(Petite Lubron)一帶。那是皮特梅耶(Peter Mayle)《普羅旺斯的一年》裏描述的地方(“A year in Provence”)。路過好幾座小城,都很小,沒什麽能讓人記得住的。 不過,那份安靜,讓人難忘。加繆(Albert Camus)1946年第一次到這裏。那靜靜的感覺大概讓他想到阿爾及利亞的故鄉。他寫到:“我住在一個翻了新的城堡裏,每個屋子都很大。每天我都行走在那陽光下的山穀裏,橄欖樹和柏樹之間。那的夜晚很溫和,天空中布滿星鬥。(All day long I walked through a country of hills, olive trees and cypresses, the days glittered with sun, the evenings were mild, and the nights with stars.)




車開在聖若米(St Remy), 我放慢速度,那些建築和樹木,似乎在梵高的信中都描述過。 在信裏,梵高是鎮靜的,好像那個神經質的人不是他 -“在生命中前行會遇到很多困難,然而正是在和這些困難搏鬥中,內心才能更加堅強”。

到了Le baux,又是個小山城,。


“How many times, in winter, did I come here, to breath the heathy air, return to nature and cure myself of the Paris and its fevers. I’d arrive without notice, sure of their welcome, announced only by the fanfare of peacocks and hunting dogs.”

“Every sentence I wrote echoes the shade of your pines and the murmur of the mistral  and our casual conversations.” He wrote to his cousin.


慢慢的在Rue Cavalerie一個旅館前麵的小飯店裏吃中飯,打量著那旅館。陽光透過梧桐樹葉照過來,蜜蜂在和我搶食著盤裏的法國飯,趕也趕不走。


那是梵高到南部的第一個住處,他的心情是好的: “太陽潑灑著鮮豔的黃色,像純金色的雨,所有的線條都很可愛。”(“The air here is definitely doing me good, I wish you could fill your lungs with it.”)

“Nature here is so extraordinarily beautiful.  Everywhere and over all the value of the sky is soft and lovely, what a country.  I cannot paint it as lovely, but it absorbs me so much that I let myself go, never thinking of a single rule.  .... I’m beginning to feel I’m quite a different creature from the one I was when I came here.”

可是好景不長,那致命的精神病狀一點一點的爬上來,不可阻擋。 梵高也意識到了, 在給他弟弟的信中說: though our neurosis, etc, is certainly due to our rather too artistic way of life, it is also part of an inescapable heritage...Take our sister Wil, she has never been given to drinking, or led a loose life, and yet we know a portrait of her in which she has the facial expression of a lunatic.  Isn’t that proof enough that, if we face up to our true state of mind, we have to acknowledge that we are among those who suffer from a mental illness rooted quite long way back in the past?”







“Like the sea, unified despite its waves, this plain exudes a feeling of aloneness and boundlessness, and the mistral’s powerful breath flowing permanently, without obstacle, seems to flatten and enlarge the scenery.” Daudet wrote.

多年以後,年輕時的德·波娃(Simone de Beauvoir)來到這裏,“J’aimais la nudité de la Camargue”,她說.  我在想,法語的“nudité”比英文的“Barren”要形象的多。



沒想到我的老朋友梵高也曾到此一遊:“One night I went for a walk by the sea along the empty shore, I was not gay but not sad either.  It was beautiful. The deep blue sky was flickered with clouds of a blue deeper than the fundamental blue of intense cobalt, and others of a clearer blue, like the blue whiteness of the Milky Way.  On the blue depth the stars were sparkling, greenish, yellow, white, rose, brighter, flashing more like jewels than they do even in Paris.  The sea was a very deep ultramarine.” 


九月一日: Went to the north, had lunch at the Chateauneuf du Pape, bought a bottle of wine in a vineyard, the river Rhone can be seen not far away, I marveled at this blessed region of France.   They are so lucky.   

Beautiful vineyard views along the way when coming back.

九月二日: Drove a long way to Cassis.   

I have to see the ocean.   I haven't seen one for more than a year and I was missing ocean so much, not to mention this is the Mediterranean.   Last time I was there was a few years ago.   Cannes, Nice and Monte Carlo and that little village called Eze, I still think it is one of the most beautiful places I ever seen.   If we cannot visit there, at least I should see the ocean.  So there we are, in Cassis, the bay for the Marseille affluents. There, we took a boat to the sea and saw those famous calanques. Many nude swimmers lying on the rocks, beautiful bodies, but a bit like slugs!

Passed by Aix en Provence, I just wanted to have a feel of the place Cezanne lived, so was Zola.

九月三日: Went to the nearby Pene Fountain in the early morning, didn't want to go anywhere else, feel a bit tired of driving.   But hard to be idle at home, so we went to Gords again in the afternoon, had a long trail walk in the hill. Saw  Abbaye de Senanque below in the foot of the hill, but cannot get there.   Almost lost our way.

九月四日: Drove to Avignon in the morning, visited the town center, including Pope's Palace, I was there a few years ago.   The Wutong(plane) trees reminded me of southern China towns, like Hefei when I first saw it when I was sixteen.  

Came back to Paris, visited Louvre and back to  London  in the evening. 


Have you ever seen this many lavender plants? (Photo by Julie Ponder)

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