文章來源: boxhead2022-01-28 17:15:39

First of all, I humbly standing at the podium to

express my deep appreciation and thankfulness to

all my fellow Canadian who pays one second attention to

canadian truckers free convoy movement.


yesterday,my teenage boy asked me,

”dad,you ve got fully vaccined,why bother to join the convention?

it could be violent and dangerous.’


I said to him, because I had a nightmare the

day before. That after thirty years, all Canadian residents 

become vaccine addicted , taking one vaccine per day 

in order to meet the government anti pandemic requirements.

When Asia people first put on mask, we teased them,

some even insulted them for bringing virus to North America.

when Chinese  restaurant cloesd down, we did not say a word,

and then ten or twenty years history yami cuisine went with wind.


freedom got hurt,

we have to stand out .

government we paid tax to should not work like a gambler,

using minority groups business ,careers and survival right

to bet for its next election in the name of

”serve the majority and public health security “.


we trucker  of Canada, serve you guys and girls 

every daily food, water,cloth,gasoline etc ,

are essential, that means not only important,

but unreplacable service,is fundamental foundation 

of our free market, that using fair competition 

to lowing average person living costs,

supply chain.

we are fighting for you , your living rights to against 


border mandatory vaccination is not right ,not fair,

not to make sense even in the scientific points of view.


“ cause crisis, use crisis , make interest transferring,”

that corruption . You want to allow government to

do that?